Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Twasn’t quite as bad as it sounds. Was at a T, with no through traffic. Wasn’t dangerous.
The cyclist was a bit uptight.

I’ve had “Get off your fu…ing bike” while using a pedestrian crossing on the uni, which is legal in Australia because I am classified as a pedestrian. I am pretty sure it was the same driver another time who blatantly drove across the crossing right in front of me while I was on it. He would have hit me if I hadn’t stopped.

Pedestrians don’t have to obey Stop signs so I don’t stop at them.

Traffic lights are invariably on roads with marked lanes, where I am not allowed, so I have never encountered them.

Funny you said that. Today when I rode home, there was a guy with a dog and as soon as the dog saw me, it wouldn’t move anymore. It just sat there looking scared. Its owner had to drag it along. Very funny. I wanted to help the dog by saying the uni doesn’t bite.

This is my first week back in Holland and people here speak their mind more than in Denmark. Today while I was riding through the street, a guy said “That’s what happens when you forget to lock your bike…” :smiley: Hadn’t heard that one before.

That’s odd…

Around here, it’s the bicyclists who ride through stops and I’m the one who stops for every one of them.

Because bike theft is funny.

“Why are you holding your hand up?”

Turn signal.

“You could read a book while you ride!”, from an elderly lady. I was a bit surprised by the suggestion, but I guess it was just that your hands are free when unicycling. :slight_smile:

I believe that used to be Roger Davies from Udc’s trick. May well still be too!

About a year ago, I was at a 4-way stop sign and slowed down on my uni and looked at the driver who technically arrived first at the intersection. We made eye contact and she acknowledged my presence and gave me the look of someone to begrudgingly allow me to go first although technically she could go first. So I accelerated and went through the intersection.

Immediately afterwards, I hear a siren. At first, I couldn’t believe the siren was for me, but looking behind me, clearly it was me she was after. I pulled over, she gets out of her cop cruiser and tells me I didn’t stop, acknowledging that its a little hard for me to stop. She looks pissed at me, but just gives me a warning. Getting pulled over by the police on a unicycle. That just does not happen every day. The cop however, was far from amused at the novelty of the situation. I was happy I didn’t get a ticket. I rode cautiously home and fortunately haven’t been pulled over since.

“that one’s going on the wall, right next to my speeding ticket on the unicycle.”

Just make sure they write the correct vehicle type on the ticket. :wink:

I really genuinely wouldn’t mind getting a speeding ticket… I’d frame that sucker in a heartbeat. It would be worth the cost for the artwork.

Such a good idea. I’m gonna try that, when I can finally ride to work, maybe a smaller wheel would be recommendable, so you have more time to read :slight_smile:

I once clipped a steel beam with my head while browsing the playlist of my portable music player. I got away with a concussion and a bruised tailbone, because I was wearing a helmet. I think otherwise my skull would have been cracked open like a walnut.

In other words, reading while riding is not a good idea.

My son and I were nearing the end of an 8-mile ride on a bke trail we like, single file, him in front on his 24" Torker and me following fairly closely on my 29" Nimbus, when a guy on a recumbent bke approached in the opposite direction. He grinned up at us and said loudly, “Your bike broke in half!”

I’ve heard similar quips but the way he said it had us both chuckling the rest of the way home.

I was riding up a short, steep hill. A hiker passed me. “I can’t even do that on a regular bike!” he exclaimed. I was not quick enough to come up with a reply. I was annoyed by the implication that I was riding an “irregular bike”. I spent the next minute thinking up unfunny, pedantic sorts of comebacks, such as: “Regular bike…Is that like an irregular unicycle?”

the tandem

After finishing a parade the other day with the kids we turned around. . . and as we rode back a couple on a tandem bike came into view. One person one wheel… two people two wheels! The contrast was amusing. We all looked at each other and smiled as we passed. :smiley:

This week I had some youngster on a bike, probably in his early twenties, laughing at me hysterically when he saw me.

I choose to believe that facing his shortcomings so unexpectedly blew his mind.

On my first public appearance practicing down the fence of a local skatepark, which is used mostly by younger kids, the dad of a young skateboarder said ‘That’s amazing!’ I said ‘it’s taken me a week to get this far,’ and he replied ‘Wow - I would have thought it would take about a year!’

I was riding with another unicyclist today and a guy on roller-skis coming from the opposite direction said, “I’m not sure who’s more crazy.” I think the unicycle wins that battle, but appreciated that someone else was practicing an uncommon sport.

Another person going the opposite direction said we each lost a wheel, to which I told him to let us know if he finds them… I wish I would have thought of the response that we didn’t lose a wheel, we just sawed a bike in half because we were tired of the training wheel sooner. #missedopportunity

I was riding my freewheel unicycle yesterday and had a UPD when I hit a large bump that sent me in the air and my unicycle twenty feet in front of me, clipping my ankle on the way. A bicyclist was right behind me and when he passed he asked, “Did you try to jump that?” I replied, “Not on purpose!”