Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Excellent! That’s a great response.:D:D

Two good ones from today’s ride at lunch time.

– Pedestrian: “I can’t even ride two wheels!”

– About a mile later, a guy standing next to his truck: “You’re a stud!”

I hardly ever get negative comments (fortunately).

ok, now that was funny!

Today i played a game with some kids while riding a train over some distance. We were trying to solve each other riddles. My riddle was “a smooth ride on one wheel not involving a clown”. They had a tough time with that one and were not amused by the answer.:smiley:

“Arriba!” from some guys doing yard work as I rode by on my 29er.

A couple of women hiking with ski poles walked by yesterday. “Finally a bike that doesn’t take much space”, said one. Witty.

Later on, got the usual “Sir, it looks like you’re missing a wheel”. Usual reply is now “Yep, I’ve been looking for it for the past hour, seen it?”. Works each time!


As I was mounting my uni a woman was loading her small son into a subaru van next to me. She looked at me and said, “so…You’re the unicycle guy!!!
I looked at her, mounted up and said, " I’m the guy” and off I rode.

This was the quote of last Tuesday:

A guy is riding toward me on the bike path, crossing under Sunrise Avenue. He appears to be holding up a white cellphone, so I expect him to take my picture as we get closer. He says:
“Here’s to you!”

That’s a little different, I thought. Then I realized his cellphone was actually a Starbucks cup. He was toasting me! :slight_smile:

Had my muni in the back seat when I pulled up to the take out window at a fast food restaurant. The girl saw it and said " is that a unicycle?, yes it is. You must be very good at it", I asked how she could tell that. Her answer was that I was not in a cast or bruised.

A sweet little old lady stopped while I was loading my uni after a ride in the park. She said, “I have seen that on television, but never in real life!”

It is nice to make someone’s day. :sunglasses:

Guy walks out of his house with a bike wheel in his hand as I was on the sidewalk starting to mount my uni. He said, “I guess I just need a seat.” I responded, “Yep, simplify”. Hubs said, “he’s missing a seat.”

ok, now that was funny!

I like that! :stuck_out_tongue:

Best regards,

Was out practicing my giraffe at the park this morning.
Then afterwards I was driving on the road encountering heavy traffic. Late to meet up with a repeat customer of mine. I called him and told him i was running late due to sudden traffic on the freeway.

I arrived at the job place. He looked at me, probably at my red face, tangled helmet hair and he had asked " “What happened, there’s an accident?”
Embarassed, I was thinking maybe I was still all sweaty, red faced, and looked like a bloody mess.
I said, “Oh, no…no, I was just on my giraffe unicycle! No accident… although I did fall alot! It didnt hurt though…No I didnt have an accident”

We both broke out in laughter after the fact of realizing what he had intended to ask about the traffic jam “accident”.

Then i said, " Oh yeah, I unicycle, and i just started on the giraffe" (proudly saying it)

Then he looks at me puzzled in an odd/strange/kooky kinda way…and says,

(HMMMMMMmmmm… I had to Really think about that one… it confused me just as well…(“Why?” )
(Wow, i havent realized how odd it really was to be practicing on a giraffe, i guess it was such a blast to practice and forgotten how odd that was…it took a while for me to answer,

“That it was for a really good work-out”

Though, hmmmm…I have a feeling he didnt buy into that answer…
:DOH Well!..:smiley:

Not a quote, but I got attacked by a squirrel while on a ride today. I stopped for a quick rest and the little f$&@er came at me and attacked my leg (it may have been a loving attack. I think he was trying to make baby squirrels with my leg). Kris Holm leg armor totally saved my day.

Unless the attack was initiated by the sweaty leg armour smelling like a lady squirrel. :smiley:

Three good ones today! :smiley:

First - Rode down Banana Walk (yepp that’s the actual name), saw two old ladies walking their dogs. One of them shouts “Heyy, not seen you riding that down here for a while!” The other one stares at me admiringly and goes “I absolutely love that bike” :sunglasses:

Second - riding along the canal towpath, guy up in front with a dog talking on a mobile phone. He was right off to the side, I already had plenty of room, but (as always), when he looked up and noticed me, he squished in even more to let me past. I nodded and thanked him, and as I got past, I heard him laugh REALLY loud down the phone, and shout ‘First time I get outside in months, and a bloke rides past me on a bloody unicycle!!’ :o I like to think I’ve persuaded him to get out more… :stuck_out_tongue:

thirdly - a man and woman riding old mountain bikes kitted out with mudguards and racks, looking like they’re on a long trip. I came up behind them on a downhill, they were going pretty slow considering the downhilliness. Couldn’t overtake them even if I wanted to, so just stayed slow, riding behind them silently. When the road widened up, I overtook them, the woman (furthest back) heard me coming up next to her, sort of went ‘oh hi’ automatically, then double-taked. Yelled to the man, “Heyy, check this out! ONE WHEEL!! That’ll be something to tell everyone when we get home!” :smiley:

Best reason to use leg armour I have heard!
Seriously though, could this squirrel have rabies? Is that an issue there or only for paranoid visitors from Australia?

Aussie squirrels have rabies…? That’s it, if I ever visit you guys, I’m wearing my biohazard suit.

First time in months that I’ve taken my unicycle out to ride. Several amusing interactions occurred.

The first occurred in downtown. I had to drop by a store to pick a small item up they were holding for me, but the roads I needed to drive on to get there was closed at several key intersections. So rather than driving around and figure out how to get down the handful of blocks, I just pull my uni out of my trunk and ride the distance faster than walking and probably just as fast as driving around the construction xD Upon riding back, I encounter a biker who promptly spots me and raises his hands in the air, “Eyyyyy! That’s awesome! No, you’re awesome!” Put a smile on my face…

Later I was riding on the riverside path and approached this middle aged gentleman walking a bulldog. He saw me approaching and I could see him thinking. As I get closer he says, “Hey, mind you if I ask you a question as you ride past?”
“Yes, sir?” I respond, gesturing a ‘go ahead’ with my hands and slowing.
“Is that more of a leaning forward thing or straight upright?”
The question completely took me completely by surprise, I’ve never heard such a thoughtful response to the sight of one wheel… I responded that it was primarily leaning.
“That makes sense. I just have to say, it looks very cool when you are riding like that.” Never have I heard anything like that :smiley: I’m thinking he was an engineer :stuck_out_tongue:

The last one was right as I was returning to my car. Next to me was a mother loading her two kids into their minivan. As I approach and rapidly dismount the mother says, “So that’s how you get off, huh?” She said it with this air of bemusement, I couldn’t help but respond with a grin.

Now, I’ve been riding for two years, not always in public and not always a lot, but a fair number of hours have been put in downtown and along the river and I have still yet to hear the classic WYOW… Only similar comment was one about losing my handlebars :smiley: