Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Today’s quote out on the rainy trail:

This from a Chihuahua coming down the trail the other way. The fat little dog stopped and moved slightly from side to side while giving me a concerned look. I ended up having to dismount. Taken down by a Chihuahua!

It’s possible you misinterpreted her, and she was just trying to be funny (or concerned at what a pair of unicycles might cost her).

Suggested response to her:
“Stop your bitching. Nobody’s making you be in here with these cars!” :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, giving you a hard time about the way you wrote it. Sometimes I get concerned about kids playing around on skateboards or similar around my car. It all depends on if they look like they know what they’re doing…

Cmon john, its just a car. As long as they dont break anything vital, at least they are riding skateboards, they could be doing worse. Even though we here all know they could be doing a lot better with one wheel… You really should be more concerned with their choice of transportation/recreation and not with what is around them while they enjoy it.


Isn’t skateboarding a crime? :thinking: :roll_eyes: :wink: :smiley:

I can usually roll over them!:smiley:

First ride for ages yesterday. Some smug guy on a cheap mountainbike overtook me (on the flat tarmac) and felt the need to say, “Well, it’s smile-worthy, at the very least.” He said this without a smile.

You should have pointed out that guy’s dress and said, “Who’s called who a tw*t?”

Only had a uni for a few days
About 5 people I know " Aren’t you a little too old to learn to ride a unicycle " in a mocking tone of voice. I’m 41 and every person who said it to me is younger than I am. First time came straight back with " You might be to old but I’m not " she came straight back with “But I’m younger than you !” and the penny still didnt drop.
Day I got it I was at friends house in back yard. Been on it for about 10 min friends 4 1/2 yo daughter has been cheering and clapping everytime I manage to just get on while holding the washing line. End up slamming flat on my back. She walks over and says in that serious little girl voice " Its OK uncle George I’ll cheer and clap when you fall off too "
And my mum (76 yo) “Its only half a bike, which is OK cause you’d have to have half a brain to try and ride it, and luckily you only have half a brain” (joking)

ex wife

Ok so I cant even ride properly yet but to answer the first time I get "where’s the other wheel "

“My ex-wife has a really good lawyer so the b%$ch got half of everything”

Sorry girls

Oh and “Can you do a trick ?”

Does the old pull your thumb apart trick that you do for small kids

Haha, that’s really cute :smiley:

Yeah so now if I give up I’m just a big fat girly man !!!

Holy shit! Thats ape!

Is what I got from a teenager.

Ape huh… Anyway, riding near a park two guys in their early 20’s roll down their window and one yells “should have saved up and bought a whole bike!” My response, smile and wave. I was riding a KH trials, cost nearly $600 including shipping when I bought it. The most I’ve ever spent on a bike is no more than $160.

Talkin Smak

Yeah buts lets her it for my mum. 76yo didnt know what a unicycle was a week ago and she’s hanging smack on me !!!.
I remember one time when I was a kid and she said to me (no bullshit) "Well if you brake you legs dont come running to me "
I love my mum but she didnt bring up no whingers

Ohh and another one totally off topic
Mum:(in Glaswegian accent) “George dont sit on the coffee table if it was ment tay be a chair it would have four legs”
Me: “But it does have four legs”
Mum: " Dont ye be fookin smart way mee ya wee shit ya know what I fookin ment na get oof that fookin table" George relises he has pushed the limit while mums in a bad mood. ( Dont ever ever ever f%^ck with a Glaswegian women in a bad mood. In fact dont f%^ck with them at any time )
Doesnt sound that scary but didnt come home for 2 days

What they consoled you in a serious voice saying theyed cheer even when you fell off ?

You should have said:
“Have you ever heard of a TV show called Take a Chill Pill? You’re on it!!” (as you clap and smile) There’s a camera there and there and there…" (as you point to various windows, buildings, and vehicles) :smiley:

So my highlight of my most recent ride was that at one of the crossings at the Greenway Trail here in Whittier I saw a group of Mexican high school wannabe thugs throwing rocks at cars, and as I passed them they threw rocks at me and started laughing. I slowed for a second but then I realized I am 1 and they are 5 and that even saying anything would probably end badly for me, so I just kept riding.

On my return trip they were walking, picking up rocks off the trail, and as I approached one seemed to be readying a rock and passing one to another one, so I just tried to ignore them and hoped they wouldn’t throw anything 'cause no one was around at all. One said “BAD ASS” and gave me a thumbs up and as I said “Thanks!” cheerfully he turned it into a middle finger and sneered at me. As I passed and my back was to them I casually put my hand over the back of my head in my hair just in case they threw a rock at me and it hit me in the head, but if they threw something at me after I passed it didn’t hit me or the path was on.

Didn’t call the cops 'cause by the time the cops show up the kids would be gone anyway, and kids like that don’t give a shit if cops hassle them anyway. Going to buy pepper spray tomorrow after work just in case this sort of thing happens again and/or something worse happens. Whole situation was kind of depressing. First time this has happened.

Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately people usually survive pepper spray. I run in a pretty heavy unicycle gang but its only 1 strong!

lol. even between the two of us just one of those kids would have outweighed us combined. kids these days are fat as hell.

I don’t get what you mean?