Quote of the day (from non-riders)

LOL! You didn’t get enough credit for this comment! It was the shizzle!

It’s like the movie ground hogs day. Only he is repeating this part of his life.

Yesterday, a ride with Robert Allen for the first time in over a year. We both had our 29" MUnis on a wide part of the Granite Bay trails. We’re standing there talking, both holding our unicycles. A guy comes by on a bike and says:
“You make a nice pair.”

I never heard that one!

Old guy on his bike: " Hey! you got one and I got two! "
after that I thought, well, I got more than one unicycle:p


not reallly…

your thought doesnt make sense with what the series shows. i mean, sure the groundhog day thing during that episode where desmond is tripping through time, going back to 1996.

On my way home today (on the KH29), a kid acting like a punk was yelling to me across a busy street. He was yelling stuff like, “Do a wheelie,” “go faster,” “my grandma could ride that thing.” I just ignored him and kept going and finally he yelled, “showoff-er!” For him to refer to me as a showoff just told me he was impressed on some level. I just waved and rode away.

I was taking my uni to work to true up the wheel in my spare time.
behind my work is a huge park with tons of trails. a lot of people a work ride a bikes to work.

so I am walking the uni towards the main gate(my work is gated), and a co-worker sees me pushing a single wheel with a huge scab on my knee. he does a huge double take. and says," I was wondering what you hit to leave a wheel behind!"

Unicycling in the park today I had my first ‘funny non-unicyclist comment’.

“You know they sell those with 2 wheels too, right?”

I thought it was quite funny as he thought of it on the spot, leaving me with no time to think of a come-back as he walked by. :slight_smile:

You should always have the advantage over a non-unicyclist that comes up with an on the spot comment - You know in advance you are on a unicycle, so can anticipate what people may say.

The easiest way is to regurgitate someone else’s lame comment. eg;
Them - “You know they sell those with 2 wheels too, right?”
You - “Yeah, but I can’t afford the other wheel yet”


Them - “Where’s your other wheel?”
You - "They sell these with two wheels now? :astonished: "

Those retorts may sound lame to another unicyclist, but will sound very witty and impressive to the other person.


On Tues ride with 200 beach cruisers…

I was unloading the 36er from my car when I hear:
“hey that sure is a big wheel!”
Hearing that a hundred times I didn’t think much, till I turned around and saw a guy unloading his SS cruiser-bike with TWO 36" wheels.

Possible response:
“A two wheeled unicycle? What a silly idea!”

I am going into the forces and was at a new base a wee while ago. I was meeting some guys for a game of football at a sports centre off base so decided to unicycole there as its not far. got a few funny looks as I passed the gaurd room when leaving base.
On the way back i dismounted and wen to show the gaurd my ID but about ten feet from him he just said " Dont worry mate I definately remember you!" followed by “Dont think trerrorists use unicycles anyways!!!”
Well I certainly hope he is right!!

Maybe he’s never heard of the Uni-Bomber!



Not a quote but I got stopped and given a coupon for a free icecreem saying I was “caught dooing something good” It was a program for the kids but they thought it was cool enough to justify giving a coupon to someone a bit older

Most mornings I practice near a school with a big field that people cut across a lot. I often see an elderly gentleman who likes to sit on the stairs of the school, I guess to rest while he’s taking a walk. Yesterday he saw me practicing going backwards, and said I’m getting a little bit farther every day. Today he saw me trying to hoop and uni at the same time, and he said “The day after today you will have it, I’m sure.”

He has some kind of European accent and wears a red hat. I kinda look forward to seeing him now :slight_smile: He’s very encouraging.

During a cycle race today

Cyclist passing me downhill: “Ag shame, a disabled bike.”
Same cyclist as I pass him up the next hill “F*!@ me!”

I presume you were on a 36 or he was a bad cyclist…


I was on a 29er with 125mm cranks. So yes, he was a bad cyclist:) I find that most of the “positive” comments come from men riding uphill, and ladies riding (anywhere). Most of the negative/indifferent comments happen on the flats, downhills, or when I’m not cycling (at the start of the race). It took me a while to work this out, though in restrospect this has been the same pattern since I started riding.

It was a great day for comments today.

  1. I was in town, pushing my 29er, on which I had ridden to town. (Some background to the story is that there is a circus in town this weekend). There was this guy handing out leaflets for the circus. He made some enthusiastic noises when he saw me and the upshot of our two conversations were that he was Ramon the Clown and his son rode a unicycle. He would like me to come to thier circus performance to show his son some tricks and he would show me around :slight_smile:

  2. On my way home:
    Mum: “Ethan look, look, no the other way, look at that”
    Ethan (aged about 3-4): “That’s not a bicycle”
    Mum: “Well what is it then???”
    Ethan: “It’s only got one wheel”
    I thought Ethan was pretty bright for his age (brighter than his mum anyway)

  3. When I got back to Prestatyn I met a guy who was asking me questions about the uni (how much it cost, was it hard to learn, etc). He said he had seen unicyclists riding down snowdon. :smiley:

So in one ride I was associated with the circus and riding down Snowdon. Pretty good going I reckon. Made me smile anyway.