Question: using Trials uni for everyday use?

You can ride UP stairs.?

Until I saw it in a video I hadn’t imagined riding DOWN stairs. I still shake my head when I contemplate it as I use the stairs at work on foot.

I have also seen video of gravity defying leaps up flights of five or six steps in a single bound.

Is it possible to just ride up stairs too?

Well, I’m sure he’s technically HOPPING UP stairs. :roll_eyes:

Many of you have probably seen the same YouTube movie I saw, basically a 15-minute documentary from 1976 about a 15-year-old kid who unicycles. (I’ve Googled his name; he died in his 50’s, but lived an adventurous life.) Anyway, at one point in the film he rides his uni down a very long flight of steep outdoor steps, looks like on a college campus. When he began the descent, I was like “Oh no, you are going to DIE!” No helmet or other safety equipment, and he could have easily fallen off his uni headfirst and down the rest of the brick steps. But he skillfully managed to descend them all, and very quickly. Seemed like a death wish to me, but this kid can ride VERY well at a young age. Here, about 40 seconds in…

You can do it until your momentum runs out. Unigeezer has some videos of him doing it, he can get up 6 or so I think, possibly a bit more. It’s pretty impressive. I’d like to see someone ride up 10 or 15, that would be amazing!