Putting on a show in Kosovo

Hello all,
Even though I am only a skill level two or so, I put on a show for some kids at the Woman and Childs center in Pristina Kosovo. Belevie it or not, no UPDs.

I return to my family in Germany on Monday after six months. I have a 20" uni waiting for my 8-year-old son to start learning on.

Father and son uniing together, will be nice.


For some reason, the picture won’t load. Here is a link to the picture - http://members.roadfly.com/dukem535i2/Dukenkids1.jpg

Cool! Well done! What did the kids think of it?? I don’t suppose there are many unicyclists in Kosovo are there?!

How I long for a giraffe! What is that one you have in the photo?

Cool, I can’t wait to A)get some kids and B)teach them to unicycle!


I wonder how long is the wait for a website unicycle.mil, a very special force!
I don’t know where in Germany you are, but have a look at this: http://www.einrad-koeste.neumuenster.de/ek04/ek04_index_eng.htm