Crawford, TX - Recently there has been news that George Bush’s Crawford, Texas presidencial library has been destroyed. A flood supposedly rushed through the bathroom, and both of his books were demolished. Remains of the literature were found, which proved Mr. President was not even finished coloring the second book. His Crayolas were unharmed.
mmmmm corny political jokes…
Only problem with corny political jokes is that they keen getting elected.
politcal humor/satire from an echo…
You realize if your parents were republican you’d love bush, right?
Maybe at the beginning. But now I clearly recognize Bush’s “insufishinsees” [sic] without my parents’ help. I’m smarter than most kids my age in the way that I don’t follow just what my parents or other counterparts say or believe. That’s not to say I don’t obey my parents and I love them to death, and thankfully I do agree with most of their opinions on politics and tons of other things, too.
And, I agree with 65% of Americans at this moment.
But when forced to think for yourself (ex. about unicycle components) you post a half-dozen threads / polls in RSU then follow the advice of complete strangers?
What gives, here?
salutes tyler
“Yet all that I have learn’d (hugh toyles now past) By long experience, and in famous schooles, Is but to know my ignorance at last, Who think themselves most wise are greatest fools.”
William Alexander, Earl of Stirling
Or you could go the Confucious route:
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. "
The one constant I’ve learned in life (so far) is that when I look back on myself from 3-5 years in the future I’ll always be amazed at how ignorant I was at the time. … And it’s always seems to be the things I was most sure about…
OMG! Bush must have staged the whole thing to make himself look good! I bet he started the flood himself and LIED about! that was sarcasm BTW, in case someone acctually thinks I was being serious-thats what some people sound like.
65% of Americans at this moment? Did you make that up along with the coloring book thing?
I doubt it, which means you must have heard it from somewere else… your parents maybe?
According to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC Poll as reported in the Wall Street Journal of January 31, 2006, Bush’s approval rating is “mired” (their word not mine) at 39%. Which means Tyler is off by 4% as only 61% of Americans are in agreement with him.
Same here. Just from forum experience, I look back and think “ooops”
1/2 dozen is obviously an exaggeration. I’ve never followed advice from those polls and been disappointed. This is a very trustable croud. Are you saying I shouldn’t take advice from the likes of John Foss or Connie Cotter? Of course if Logan A. or Tahn came on here and told me to buy a Savage “uni extreme” then I wouldn’t pay any more attention to that than if a fly farted. I may post the fly on e-bay, though…
I was weirded out by your last sentencae till I realized you were talking about tyler, not bush. it made more sense then.
Hey…coloring r0xx0rs…