preforming a 360?

hey. ive been uniycyclign for 2-3 years now and i cant preform a 360. ne1 got netips for me?

This thread makes a little more sence…the one you put in the product review forum said you’ve been unicycling for 2-3 years and ‘can’ do 360’s. :slight_smile:

I’ve been riding for 2 years and can’t do 360’s either but there are tips at for doing 270’s (under ‘hop twisting’) that can probably be applied to 360’s. I just haven’t practised all that much.


180 until you can 270. 270 until you can 360.


Depends. Which way do you spin in relationship to the hand that holds the seat. If you spin in the direction on the free hand, watch Dan Heaton’s form. Twist your body towards the spin before jumping about 90 degrees. Then whip the free hand in the direciton of the spin and then take it verticle. That’s at the time you jump. Also jump hard. Go as striaght with your body as possible.
Ok, the other way. Twist your body about 45 degrees towards the jump and take your free hand across your body while jumping. Then spring hard, go vert with your arm, and whip it in the direction opposite the spin. If you aren’t getting the spin. Whip your arm harder and faster to finish the spin. Keep body as straight as possible. Watch Dan Doerksen’s form.

thanks 4 the tips

I’m not sure if I read what unifreak7 said wrong, or whether I’m just wrong. But I always got the impression you whipped your hand in the opposite direction that you are spinning in. I’ve watched U2 closely and that’s what they all seem to do.

Re: 360

Disagree. I think it helps to keep the unicycle as vertical as possible (that way it will stay exactly in position when twisting). And so your body bended over it. And if you bend even more the seat wont hit anything.


You first whip towards the spin, then against it, If you are spinning towards the ahnd on seat hand. If not. Then it flows through the direction you’re spinning

You serious? So if I hop with my right hand, and spin to the left… I should actually be whipping my hand in the same direction I’m spinning? But that makes no sense… I’ve tried it… it doesn’t seem to work. However the way I currently do it works fine…

I’m gonna watch u2 for a second and see what Dan does, he hops right hand, spins to the left and hop right foot forward just like me :smiley: I feel so proud!

Either I read what you wrote incorrectly, or you’re wrong. Watch Dan Heaton carefully.

Don’t watch anyone.
Dan Heaton is not making your unispin, you have to do it yourself.
So, you better do it the way you feel comfortable.

Well that’s the way I’ve always done it, but after reading something that said I should do it the other way I just wanted to check.