POTC - Dead Man's Chest

they filmed the second and thrid movie toghter didnt they??

so they might as well set it up for the 3rd

and i left before the credits ended, what did i miss??

i watched the credits for like a minute or two and nothing special was coming up so i just assumed nothing was gonna happen.

Oh really now?

Doesn’t seem so bad.

just got back, i liked it…im excited for the third one to come out…

i waited through the credits and wow…haha that is all i am going to say…just sit through the 15 minutes(or so) of credits and you wont be dissapointed…haha :wink:

I heard that Keith Richards will have a cameo as Jack Sparrow’s father in POTC-III.

As for the scene after the credits, no spoilers yet. We watched POTC-I last nite again on DVD, in the scene after the credits the monkey comes to the cave and takes one of the gold coins explaining the un-killable monkey in II. I wonder what the significance of the scene in II will be in III.

k i saw pirates II twice now and i didnt know about the credits, can someone pm me about what happens? cause i might have to spend another 10 $ to see the credits.



Go here, and go to the end of the section.
Warning, the link contains spoilers

Good Movie, I’m still not sure as to if it was worth it for the after the credits though.

Screenwriter sues Disney over “Black Pearl”

Just got back from one o’ them Dinner 'n a Movie joints where you can eat dinner in the theater. 'Twas cool, but that’s beside the point.

The movie was very well done. I’m glad that Bloom got a bigger role in 2 than in 1…I honestly don’t think he gets enough credit compared to Depp. Although, Depp’s portrayal of a swashbuckling, eternally-drunken pirate never ceases to amaze me. Every time he ran or did anything physical at all in the movie, I couldn’t help but to chuckle at his flailing arms.

The cliffhanger at the end killed me…I was just thinking, “Noooo! I’ll sit for another 3 hours, just show me what happens!” But oh well, I was told 3 will be out in time for the holiday season. Can’t wait.

Ok apparently not the holiday season - some time in May of next year. Bleh.

I went on thursday with my girlfriend and we both enjoyed the movie, we stayed through the fifteen or so minutes of credits and the ending thingy was really funny we laughed for a long time afterwards it was great.

I ummm, kinda saw potc3, but we went quite late on Saturday… the 10:45 showing, and I unfourtunately was dosing off most the time. I couldn’t even tell you what the plotline was. He he. But anyways, my GF stayed awake and said it wasn’t as good as the first one. I’m DLing it now to watch it again though, she bought the tickets so I need to get her money’s worth and be ready for the 3rd. :smiley: Oh, we also saw X-men 3 this weekend, it was great and of course the end is a perfect set-up for a sequel, especially if you stay past the credits.

that movie sucked.
the first one was better

I don’t get the people who say it sucked…what about it sucked? Sparrow was played out wonderfully, as were Turner and Elizabeth (forgot her last name) and the other characters…the story was solid…special effects were fantastic…score was adventurous and relevant…what is there not to like?

So that’s what they’re calling it now…

Yeah, I agree with GhettoSmurf. Sure a lot happened in II, the effects were done well, but at the end of the movie, it was like, what!, all of that just to set up for the next movie. The first movie was great, this one is a disappointment.

Did anyone else have trouble understanding much of the dialog?

What aren’t you guys getting? IT’S THE SECOND MOVIE IN A TRILOGY! It’s SUPPOSED to be built around leading up to the climax of the story! It’s NOT SUPPOSED to act as a very stable stand-alone movie! Cliffhangers are basically mandatory for a successful multi-movie storyline.

Not just movies all you Hollywood Bashers…anything