Post Your Unis Here!

My pride and joy Miyata Flamingo 20" all stock parts straight out of the factory

Dang thats a sexy uni, I like that colour scheme. Im thinking for colour schemes for a KH26 im gona build up, would you be offened if I used the blue and yellow colour scheme? I was also thinking of blue and green or white mybe :slight_smile:

Sexy!! I love it!!!:smiley:

Here’s a better view. The pedals actually turned out to be purple although I ordered blue. I love 75mm cranks!

I don’t mind at all! It’s a muni so it’ll be way different :smiley: Keen to see what it’d look like too…

Yusss :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks!

dude nice frame…is my girlfriends name still on it? p.s. much love

haha yeah man its still there

i cut my seat down so its thinner now and i also painted my rim. I think its looking quite sexy now:D

I looove that yellow!

Saddle - 2010 kh street
Post - Pitt fighter 2
Frame - Kris Holm Longneck
Clamp - Kh red doublebolt
Hub/cranks - K1 32h w/ k1 reinforced
Rim - Black Try-all reinforced drilled rim(black with red tape)
Pedals - Oddessy twisted pc’s
Tyre - Try-all stiky (would like to change to a lite)

it’s a hobby…

Hmm, the first one’s got me over a “barrow”; I’ll wait for the next two to come out on “disc”, and if I rode the last one, I think I’d be feeling a “little horse”! :stuck_out_tongue: (Cool collection!) :slight_smile:

Got a few impact pieces from :smiley:


What are sym cranks like to ride?

Thet’re pretty good for landing tricks like unispins and flip tricks and doing grinds but for flat…sh1t :stuck_out_tongue: I’m thinking about just cutting off the extra bit when I want to do learn some flat tricks :smiley:

those are the coolest things i have ever seen. the horse is awesome. the wheel barrows sick too. :stuck_out_tongue:

the unibarrow and the horse are themes based on originals produced in the 70’s by the unicycle factory! just paying homage to the greats!
cool thing is, my horse has sound effects (galloping, snorting, neighing)!

old school

still riding this relic from the 1970’s … looking for a lighter weight more modern muni … maybe for christmas. I have since these pictures replaced the tire with a 24 x 1-3/4" , this one was 24 x 1-3/8".

Latest uni lineup

Hi All,

Some of my uni fleet, after a recent round of swapping parts and rebuilding wheels. Missing from the lineup are 3 older uni’s that are currently hanging with friends who are learning to ride.

Left to right, the lineup is: :smiley:

KH20 flat
KH trials
KH24 muni with 08 ti hub, 125mm ventures, custom carbon base and tubeless setup.
KH26 with dual hole 110/125mm moments.
Triton 29er with 08 ti hub, ti spokes, gemcrest carbon base. Been running 114mm qu-ax cranks lately, as been using the triton as a commuter.
KH36 schlumpf.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@ Dmacuni. That is a stable with very good pedigree! A always thought the ti hubs to be a bit of a waste of money (I would have got another schlumpf in that 24" or 26" instead!). Good to see the tubeless went well. I got mine to work (on the 2nd attempt) and will post a review soon.


Hi Mark,

I picked the second Ti hub up cheap when was clearing stock. I was building up the 24" at the time, so I chucked it in there rather than have it sitting around not being ridden. I had my schlumpf in the 26er, was a great ride and performed awesome in Mongolia, but I decided to shift it into the 36er so I could have a summer of pure speed. :slight_smile: Might look at getting another hub for the 26er one day, but for now i’m happy with my stable. I’m heading to Singapore next week to give the KH20 flat a good workout playing hockey, and taking the 24" along as well for some singamuni action. Should be fun.

Hope to make it upto Canberra one day soon, would be good to ride some ACT trails with you.

