Post Your Unis Here!

eastern plastics are the shit. i love em.

I’ll post mine a bit. It’s different now.

Pretty much my dream street set up. Except I need a new tire.
Specs from top down:
Kh saddle with Cf base
Cromo post
Nimbus Round crown frame with Nimbus double bolt clamp
Kh wheelset with shaved CC
125 Moments

Pics of my cool helmet too. I don’t use it much though :frowning:

You got that right! But actually, in comparison to how long KH has been riding, I am a relative beginner lol!:stuck_out_tongue:

those are the ones i had (white too), yeah they suck my anoos

“I totally just bent my pedal”

That was a good one.

haha wow are they that bad?? lol they seem fairly decent so far … only had two short rides but they are so smooth to land on and quiet! in to in 360’s just kinda happen on their own.

they bend easily, good flat pedals. And your right, they’re the nicest pedals ive ever flipped, sooo light. BUT! they bend…

thats a bit unfair, the cromolly spindles are pretty much the same in most pedals, you were just unlucky.

I got myself a new unicycle a couple of weeks ago:)
I bought a really cheap uni to start on and absolutely wrecked it! So i got a 19"rimmed trials uni. It was only £50 so it’s not the best but it should last me a year or two. At least 'till I start doing big enough drops to break it! I haven’t got a pic of it yet, there will be a few on their way soon!

Here’s a pic of how it was when I bought it:

Then I added these:


And a better quick release, of course!

I’ll try to get some actualy pics on here. I’m pretty happy with it though and it’s helping me to ride so much better now:)

Does it feel weak and creaky when you ride it? I don’t know if you can expect to get more than a year out of it to be honest :stuck_out_tongue: .

Feels perfectly fine. I know what I’m doing with wheels, so I’ve giving the spokes a good tighten. The only part that I can see having a problem is the hub/axle (seeing as it’s square tapered). The frame will be fine, it’s pretty much the same as the Nimbus frame. And like I said before, I have replaced the cranks and seat/setapost. Which part do you think isn’t going to last then?

Well… seatpost/hub/cranks…

Is the seatpost 22.2mm, and what new one did you buy?

here’s my new uni!

A KH29 with WTB Stout Tyre, Moment Hub & Cranks, SNAFU Pedals and a Magura HS33 that I just fitted. The magura brake cost me £10 on ebay 'cos a biker didn’t know how to fix it when the pipe had broken. 80pence for a pair of olives on UDC, a new set of pads for £6 and it’s good as new now!

The white thing on the seatpost is an LED light, just right for those late night road trips!

This is amazing to ride, and I get some good speed up on it but it doesn’t half make the Nimbus ISIS Trials 20 feel a bit weird when you get back on that.

This’ll be the last of my uni purchases for a while. My wife wants a kitchen…

I likey…

holy crap are you an artist or something…

I think it’s more of a photoshop doing…

Yeah it is only a 22.2mm post but if it breaks they only cost £5 to replace, so I’m not too bothered about that. I’d much rather break my seatpost than frame. The cranks are reasonably cheap as well so I expect to replace them every now and then. Hopefully crosses everything that’s crossable the hub will last a little while.

My new Big One finally put together. Yeah, the T7 is temporary 'till I get the new one from coker.

Notice the hope QR collar; I had an extra one for my KH MUni, and it’s 27.2mm, but it fit’s the coker perfectly! Even though the actual seatpost diameter is only 25.4mm!