Post Your MUni here!

Haha awesome. I wanna go gear too hopefully they’ll make one for the 36" oracle so then I don’t have to buy another 36er.

You planning to ride that on the big day? That would be very interesting :wink:

I wouldn’t ruin that extreme lightweight-simplicity with a brake! :smiley:

I know a few weight weenies who would scoff at a valve cap, especially a super heavy aluminum one.

Oh, sweet uni!

Yeah and drill some holes in that rear bumper!

I just might. :slight_smile: depends on how long my dress is.

It’s a dilemma, because on the one hand I love the weight, but on the other hand a brake would allow me to ride more trails in my area.

Is there a technique, or do I just drill a bunch of holes everywhere?

Don’t drill holes in the bumper, it’s a joke. People have done it, but the weight savings is like… literally nothing. Not worth the time it would take to even get the drill out, mount a bit, and drill em, then re-assemble uni.

Even with a brake your uni will still weigh much less than everyone elses with a brake.

Oh haha thanks. I’d heard of ppl drilling their cranks, but the bumper thing was a new concept. :slight_smile:

Adding drillium to any alloy or plastic can make a part lighter. If I were to take your unicycle and try to make it even lighter I might consider drilling the outer wall of the rim. The Qu-Ax cranks are already quite light and bumper drilling is purely aesthetic but can look really good if done right.

That uni is truly stunning! Good job.

Do you mind me asking how much it’s worth?

You have to think and make right chose :slight_smile:
Here is our wedding photo (later we had awesome video made by my brother and his friend about us with cool scenario as a wedding present).
Saved money were invester in several trips around the world :smiley:

According to topic: I trying to make a decision about new muni. Will it be Nimbus stock 24" or something customized…
I like Nimbus frame and KH wheelset + slim saddle and disk brakes.

I don’t want to think about it. Haha I bought all the parts over a span of 4 months. I know it’s over a grand though. I think I’m done buying parts. I think. :slight_smile:

Hmm, I bet I can guess pretty close.


  • $500 - Frame
  • $400 - Hub
  • $60 - Rim
  • $60 - Tire
  • $10 - Cranks
  • $50 - Pedals
  • $320 - Saddle
  • $75 - seatpost
  • $20 - tube
  • $75 - spokes/nipples [/LIST]

    That makes $1280
    Add $120 because things are usually more expensive then they should be and that makes it a nice even $1400.
    So $1400 for pretty much the nicest uni I’ve ever seen.

  • ha! thanks! unfortunately, that sounds about right. I need to stop spending money for the rest of my life now. :slight_smile:

    That’s still less than half the cost a top of the line bike frame. I justify all my uni purchases by comparing them to road and mountain bikes.

    Here’s mine

    every part looks brand new!

    Too true. I love my full Campy Litespeed. Now that I think about it I don’t spend nearly enough on uni’s.

    Drak Powder Coated

    I just got my Nimbus Drak powder coated in a kinda gray and dark silver textured marble. Both the frame and seat post got the treatment.

    Also got brand new Spirits and Fyxation pedals (which I LOVE).

    I’m very pleased with the attention to detail the powder coat shop did. I highly recommend Primo Powder Coating in Frederick MD.

    Nice paint job. It looks great!