ℹ Post Unicycles for sale on other sites here!

Neither look worth £20, and who would want two cheap unicycles?

Well indeed – but if you did you could get them both for more that if you bought them individually :smiley: Seems like a deal there (albeit not a good one for the buyer!)

That said I bought a set of two Shimano GRX sub-brake levers for my gravel bike build earlier this year and there were several places selling those at something like £125 for a pair or £60 each for left and right separately (and no extra parts or fittings if you bought the pair)… needless to say I bought them separately.


Unicycle factory 10’ giraffe - Tucson, Arizona - $100

Coker v2 36" - Salem, Oregon (facebook marketplace) Redirecting...

KH36 in UK:

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Hey guys!

What about making this topic a wiki? Could be more practical. Outdated offers will be removed by the community and out of sight (though still visible through the edit history), and this topic won’t be a neverending list.

The best option in my opinion would be to close this topic, and create a new, fresh wiki one.

Who’s in favor of it?

  • Make a :scroll: wiki!
  • Keep it as it is!

0 voters


Do we have enough users who would know what to do? And does everybody have access to edit a wiki?

I think we probably have enough users that frequent the site/forum enough, and know what to do. I, for one, am here every day. Not all day, but at least once (or twice, or three times) a day.

Who will take the time to browse all the offers regularly to see if they’re still online if you make it a wiki?

Good question. And, one that indicates I may have spoken/typed out of turn. I may need to be educated with regard to the amount of effort/time that would be needed to keep a wiki updated or keep it from being outdated.

Currently, there is a new offer posted every few months, so the wiki would be updated… Not very frequently. Maybe a wiki would increase its visibility in some way? But you notice that I added recently a :information_source: in the title at this end since this topic differs from the other ones. In the introduction of the topic, we can explain that this is a topic in which anyone can edit the content to add new offers and delete outdated ones.

Given the frequency of the posts, I don’t think that’s huge work! :wink:
If someone sees an interesting offer, they can click the other(s) present and remove them if they’re not available anymore. That’s a very low effort" work".

But a drawback of the wiki is that it’s more difficult to discuss the offers since we sort of lose track of the discussion (that makes sense). I didn’t think about that at first and it seems important.

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I think it’s unlikely that anyone would do that personally. All sale threads like this tend to have a similar issue, and the for sale group we have in the UK has the same - I tend to just leave everything historical as it’s so much work checking and removing them - after a few months the seller can just post again, or it’s almost certainly sold.


This person is selling a KH 26 (has disc brake) and a Nimbus Nighthawk 36. California, USA. No idea if he will ship.

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This person is selling a Nimbus nightfox under the name of nighhawk and preferring a Kris Holm 26“ over it, but also selling it. :grinning:


Seem way too cheap at $50 AUD…

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If i didn’t already have one i’d go for it! I think the seller needs to add a zero. I also wonder if it was stolen… just too cheap.


Pass it on the any Brisbane riders you know.

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Already “sold”:


For $30!!! And that’s Australian dollars… On another forum the buyer said it needed a little work, seller didn’t know what they had.

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