Plz help

wat is good decorations for a parade at night the parade is called the parade of lights and it will be dark out so ne info will be nice on like glow in the dark or even lights on the unicycle

They sell these nice looking lights that can be attached to the spokes. They create a nice effect. also sells them Hokey Spokes. You can even make those create text and other special effects. Or you could light up the tire with lighter fluid :roll_eyes: and juggle torches.

You know those little Glow Stick thingies?

You could tape those guys to the spokes and frames… It would be cheaper than those spoke tingys

Also i have seen lights that go on the valve cap… those would be cool. Plus you get two to one! :smiley:

they are something like £20 each!(not shouting at you joona) just at

It’s not’s fault…these are very expensive items.

Just be lucky that you are on a unicycle. They are designed for bikes (we all know they have twice the wheels therefor twice the hokey spokes required)

Just taping your basic glowsticks on spokes looks very ugly, and there is not really any cool effect.

In lieu of these hokey spokes (which would be AWESOME) you can get a battery operated pack of small xmas lights to go around your rim.

One set will go around a 24" nicely, and they are only about $4/set