Playing traverse flute or an instrument while unicycling


I finally got a 20"! Really impressed so far. At first I couldn’t even free-mount the thing, I had to use a wall. It felt awkward riding it but I got a little used to it after a few minutes then could successfully free-mount after coming off.

A few minutes later and I was juggling while riding the 20" and then juggling while idling on it. It felt awkward because this is my first time ever riding a 20" but I noticed right away that it’s a lot less strenuous idling on it than the 24" I’ve been using for 4 years. I also was riding in circles backwards on the 20".

I would have tried playing tin whistle while idling but it was too cold and need to play without gloves on. I’m guessing I won’t feel wiped out after a minute of playing tin whistle while idling on the 20" compared to the 24", especially after adjusting to the size. I’ll still practice with the 24 sometimes, since I think we learn faster and deeper when we practice a skill on different size unicycles(this is true of learning many things, it’s called “interleaving”, which I did another post on).

I think in a few weeks I should be totally used to the 20".

Finally a video

I still need some work. I still have to use my arms sometimes while idling, so will need to practice with my arms at my side while idling. Any other tips?