Anybody into comedy films like SuperBad will probably enjoy this film. Our whole theatre was laughing the both times I went. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and would be more than happy to see it again.
So, my bromosexuals, if you need something to do and have some money to spend see this movie. You will not be disappointed in anyway at all.
they don’t have Pineapple Express up yet but this a movie site i found that has thousands of free movies that you can watch they already have The Dark Knight up here is a link.
I say the same thing about lack-luster ‘baked’ potato chips. Call me what you want, but I love carbs, hydrogenated oils, and artificial flavors!
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t under the influence when I saw the movie. I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t just as bored as I would have been completely sober.
I actually wasted cash going to the theater to see a movie. Must’ve been a lack of judgment due to intoxication.
I condone, promote, encourage and provoke all of you to get all of your media for free, by any means necessary. Movie theaters are a waste of money(money that SHOULD BE spent on unicycles and bacon), download films for free and give copies to your friends.
I saw the movie last night. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t as good as knocked up or superbad.
I liked the first half of it the best. It was chill and the mood just worked well. It was at least somewhat believable, and I was really getting into it. But the last half an hour or so just got stupid and unrealistic. It was like the writers just got lazy and wanted to get it done. The ending didn’t match the mood of the rest of the movie, and really didn’t work at all. All the action basically came out of no where, and the gore didn’t suit the movie. I think that it was 18a pretty much because of the gore, and it would have made more sense to leave it out and let it be 14a, so that many more people could see it, meaning more money.
I liked knocked up and Superbad much more because the mood was consistant throughout the entire movie.
Also, I noticed that Seth Rogen basically plays the same character in all of his movies, much like Will Farrel. I thought that James Franco was much better in Pineapple Express then Rogen was. And that he has a much bigger range of rolls that he can play.