Pictures of your latest ride

Cool. Nice trail, looks like a sore landing:)

Nice picture. I do Morris dancing too!:smiley:

Morris uni.jpg

Here’s some pics of one of my rides last month:

More at:

Nice picture Corbin, I like that Dug out canoe
Edit its the 111th page of this thread!

Awesome Denver area singletrack ride with my seven-year old Quinn at Lair O’ the Bear Park in Jefferson County. Miles of smooth single track.
We had a great day!

With Josh and Morgan, screwing around near the venice Boardwalk this afternoon. Owing to fires, the trails were too hot and smokey.

Hit up Mt Majura and then Mt Stromlo with Scott today. Was an absolute blast. Getting excited (and hell nervous) about our demo at the World Championships this Friday. Riding the same course as Sam Hill and the worlds best DH bike riders is pretty exciting.
(i uploaded a whole bunch of other pics to my facebook account so if you want to see them just search for Mark Lavis and you should be able to view them all)

Cool pics. Hope the demo goes well Mark!

Cool! Good luck with that demo. I hope your Schlumpf hub will be fine. Not so sure if I’d be comfortable to ride down rock gardens like that with a geared hub…

Hi Mark-

That looks like a super fun and challenging DH run, a little (or so it appears) like Iron Mountain in Southern California. I’d love to see some other pics of this.

Worldwide, the vast majority of muni riding is crosscountry, NOT on rocky DH tracks. In fact, very few folks gravitate to the DH runs so I’m always excited to see other people doing so. I’ll have to check out your Facebook site and eyeball the pics.

Best of luck,


Here’s the Iron Mountain I’m talking about:

Yep, does look a little like Iron Mountain, which does have some fairly technical sections. Totally exposed, it can get blistering hot, and it’s well over 100 today! It’s located in Poway, near San Diego, CA.

todays ride

hey guys, i dont post very often so here goes: ive been going muni quite a bit for the past week and finally decided to take some pictures of it! after seeing all the intense DH rocky trails that you guys have been doing i feel a bit embarressed posting this but then again ive only been riding for 4 months really. i cant do any amazing trials or nothing (i can only go backwards with a wall jump 40cm high and take 3 foot drops and hop on the spot ride and poorly freemount) but here goes. the trails ive been riding are mostly single track hilly cross country muni (there is nothing big in southern ontario durham region) i dont know how far i rode today im guessing around 2 miles. not far, considering i only had 2 hours. nothing amazing, . bit mucky from rain but what ever. not many pics of me actually riding due to the fact NO ONE around here seems to unicycle (cept for the friend i taught but hes really good at dirt jumping so he sticks to thAT) so i couldnt get any pics of me riding cept for a pic of me my dad took when i got back. (sorry for pic quality im not good at taking pictures and i dont have the best camera. anywho…

(this trail is a bit overgrown)

(steeper than it looks and ful of roots at the top but again nothing compared to you guys)

(can you fing the trail?)

(nice smooth trail)

(me when i had just gotten home)

i know nothing special and not enough pictures of me riding but again no one to ride with, no good trails, and im a beginner.

todays ride

hey guys, i dont post very often so here goes: ive been going muni quite a bit for the past week and finally decided to take some pictures of it! after seeing all the intense DH rocky trails that you guys have been doing i feel a bit embarressed posting this but then again ive only been riding for 4 months really. i cant do any amazing trials or nothing (i can only go backwards with a wall jump 40cm high and take 3 foot drops and hop on the spot ride and poorly freemount) but here goes. the trails ive been riding are mostly single track hilly cross country muni (there is nothing big in southern ontario durham region) i dont know how far i rode today im guessing around 2 miles. not far, considering i only had 2 hours. nothing amazing, . bit mucky from rain but what ever. not many pics of me actually riding due to the fact NO ONE around here seems to unicycle (cept for the friend i taught but hes really good at dirt jumping so he sticks to thAT) so i couldnt get any pics of me riding cept for a pic of me my dad took when i got back. (sorry for pic quality im not good at taking pictures and i dont have the best camera. anywho…

(this trail is a bit overgrown)

(steeper than it looks and ful of roots at the top but again nothing compared to you guys)

(can you fing the trail?)

(nice smooth trail)

(me when i had just gotten home)

i know nothing special and not enough pictures of me riding but again no one to ride with, no good trails, and im a beginner.

Hey guys,
Scott and I have been riding DH here in Australia for a few years but only found out about each other at the Australian Unicycle Nationals- so it has been a great to finally have someone to ride with who is at my level and keen to hit some of the nastier tracks. Its funny though how we have developed different techniques for tackling the rough stuff. Scott likes to roll part of a section then peck for a bit then repeat it. I am a huge fan of rolling everything- even bigish drops- and have learned to land and recover in pretty much any pedal position. Photo’s do not describe this very well so you will have to wait for the video i am making and will hopefully have up by the end of the week.

Munirocks- I understand why you feel a bit uneasy with the abuse i’m giving my schlumpf. But for me it would be like buying a ferrari then getting too scared to drive it fast. It is designed to take a fair bit of abuse, i’m a pretty smooth rider and i’m not into taking it off huge drops- so i’m placing a lot of trust in the design and the testing that went into it. So far i have had only one problem (when going off a small 1ft drop in high gear upon landing and the force i applied to it with my foot on the upswing caused it to disengage and start to freewheel. I had a upd from it and am still not sure what might have caused it. I’m hoping that when i get my brake back (i busted the crossover) i will be able to reduce the torques i am putting into the hub when offroading in high gear and reduce the likely hood of it happening again.

For those of you who don’t have facebook- here is a sequence from the bottom rock garden- as always it is actually much steeper than it looks.


Nice! You’re right that the Schlumpf should be able to deal with this kind of riding. But I would still be a little concerned about ruining it in a nasty fall or a bad landing… If you had an ungeared 24 as well it would probably be a better choice for this kind of terrain. I suppose you don’t ride rock gardens in high gear anyways :roll_eyes:
Anyways, this is pretty impressive riding. I have tried to ride down similar stuff in a downhill bike park in Germany, but I found myself chickening out a lot:o… I guess I need a little more practice. Unfortunately there’s not much technical riding in the Netherlands. Time to move south…

What’s the deal Napalm? You ride a lot of nasty terrain with a KH/Schlumpf’d KH24 w/o any issues and I ride the same set up a mere 20 miles of flat pavement/gravel road and I destroy it!!! :thinking: Bad luck for me I guess…:frowning: Still it gives me hope that when I get my new hub back it will be pretty buff! :smiley:

Really brilliant lookin’ rides on this here thread. Impressive stuff!
Here is my day to day ride this 12 days…

My portable stage box stair thing. Fun prop!

Everybody loves an old man face plant.


Wow that is so cool! I’d love to get the plans on how to make one for myself! Or did you buy it somewhere? And how many shows do you do per year, and do you book them yourself or do you have a booking agent? How long is your average show, and do you have a segment where you “teach” the kids to ride?

Just for those of you that are interested- There is now a video of the riding Scott and I did on Mt. Stromlo last weekend in the video forums.
Hope you enjoy it.

Nice pictures! Mark those trails look cool, nice riding in the video to.