Pictures of your latest ride

Windows Mobile can do it too but you need extra software.

I give it a year before Skynet blows us all to sh*t.

today. 600vm uphill. snowfields. thuderstorm. rockfalls. 1600vm downhill. lot of walking (also downhill). 3 1/2 hour. i’m done…for today! :stuck_out_tongue:

That first pic scares the hell out of me just looking at it :astonished:


in fact, iwas more scared to cross the snowfield, if i slipped i couldn’t stop… and i was also very scared when the lightning started, i looked for a good place to rest, save from lightning and rockfalls… :o

Yiikes! :astonished:

The first one did it for me too, until I realized that the curved line across the snow in pic #2 was your route!

Glad to see you made it back!

I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve saved that picture and emailed it into work to use as my desktop. I’ve saved the file as “uninutter.jpg”. Amazing shot. :astonished:

He probably has a secret little parachute in his backpack just in case he slips or stumbles or something like that. I’d definitely shit in my pants up there…

I just want directions how to get there. That looks like a great place to ride.

:smiley: What an amazing shot. The fact that I want to ride there makes me question my sanity.

From earlier today after my beach coker ride. I like this shot!

yes that was the most dangerous part and i wont do it again (at least not with the five ten shoes… :roll_eyes: ).

the place is in liechtenstein (take a plane to zurick, from there it takes you an other hour by train;) ), it’s high above the castle from our prince, that’s why it’s called “the trail of the prince”

@mikeful: sure i don’t mind!

yeah me too. Nice pic Terry!

One of the stops on the Derby end of the Mild in May pub crawl. On unicycles obviously.



Stunning light makes for a very nice pic.

That reminds me of a particularly dangerous trail, most of us, run at night at the Hardrock 100!!! This picture doesn’t do it justice, but for about a mile this trail is at most two feet wide, often less, and there is about a 300 foot drop off to the left. The trail, probably like the one turtle was on, was literally blasted out of the side of the mountain! It’s scary enough just hiking along, I’m not so sure about unicycling. Crazy, man, crazy!

Me to! We florida riders don’t get gynormous mountains like that to ride on.:frowning:

I need to move to Leichenstein!

Haha. Your way to cool for me Terry.:stuck_out_tongue:

Your always riding some nice trails! I need to ride with you sometime this summer!

I took several shots in different modes to try to get the right exposure. It was almost dark so i shot with a flash. the previous shots were way too dark.

Erm, Leichenstein would mean something like cadaverstone, which kind of fits in with a lot of your song titles on the “what song are you listening to” thread. It is actually “Fürstentum Liechtenstein”, though. Googling Leichenstein might get you somewhere completely different, I guess…
