Pictures of your latest ride

I got mine second hand from nurseben but i am about to buy a second pair

I was able to get in a short ride on the 36er this evening and stopped to enjoy the sunset.

keep the pictures coming! This is my favorite thread!

Here are a few pictures of my ride today in Dupont State Park in the mountains of North Carolina.

cedar rock.jpg




A typical day for me on my uni is commuting to and from school, and maybe a trip to the store too. today I decided to ride around my island. the first picture is walking out my front door to go to school in the morning. The second picture is coming home from school. If you look in the right hand side of the picture of my house, you can see a lump on an island across the lagoon. That is part of my island and it is the hill I rode to today. The next picture is looking down the runway on my way there. There is no fence and yes, the road is that close to the runway. the next picture is riding down the road beside the runway to get to the far end of the island. the next picture is looking from the top of the mountain at the housing end of the island. In the far left of the island where the trees are is where my house is. I live on the very tip. the next two pictures are also from atop the “mountain.”

Wow you got it good on the islands Ereksonj…

Yeah, my dad has a civilian contract job as an electronic engineer here. The government pays for housing, electricity, appliances, and we have no taxes. We only pay for a $25 monthly phone bill and food, plus normal things like clothes and stuff. No car, no insurance, no rent. And bachelors get free meals. You can live out here literally without spending a dime if you are a bachelor. It all comes with the job. As for the island life, most people like it, but those MUni pictures make me jealous. I get island fever out here.

The island is mostly civillian, so virtually anybody can get a job out here. (but you might have to be a US citizen, idk)

I bet shipping times are a pain (maybe just shipping in general!)

I think I’d get bored with no offroad - perhaps you should get into trials - plenty of space for building courses there (can you buy timber locally or would to be shipped in specially?)

or even falt land :slight_smile:

Falt land - that’s pretty much what the roads round here call for :smiley:

I heard it’s really hard to point the blame in Falt Land… and flatland uni riding is hard because of all the earthquakes :slight_smile:

Although… I think it’s Fault Land :stuck_out_tongue:

An nice climb on the 29er, yesterday after work.

That’s looks like a great trail, nice sustained climb and probably a very sustained descent too :slight_smile:

I need to find a trail like that here to train some more sustained climbing

Edit: Lets not fill the thread with double/triple copies of images :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I would love to go down a trail like that on a 29er - long but offroad enough to be interesting at speed.

Tech MUni with Big Blue, at Simi Valley, 4/30/11. Wind gusts were hitting 60 mph, and blew me right off my uni a couple times! Great fun overall though. :smiley:

Yep, looks like great fun too!

Video coming…:slight_smile:

I look forward to it…

Nice pix all … those NC mountains look real fun for a roll.

Today I started to land some 180 spins! Finally.
OLD Man bleeding…got cocky and skipped the shin guards working on 180. Got bit. Feel alive)))))))


Shipping is bad, but not terrible. It takes 1-2 weeks for something to come out. The painful part is paying huge fees to ship big packages (like a 29er).

We have a skate park and plenty of ledges, so i would really like a trials, but don’t have the money. I spent it all on my 29er because it is my means of transportation and I needed a bigger wheel. I am a newbie and just haven’t had time to buy much yet. A trials will be my next purchase.


Edit: why won’t it let my put words all in capitals?