Pictures of your latest ride

Wanted for questioning

Thanks Sean. I guess I’m not really surprised that I blew my quads out so bad, even though I ride almost daily, and the technical, dh terrain is my thing. But on this occasion (my first actual group race!) I just pushed myself waaay too hard, too fast, without any let up all the way down.

I didn’t use my brake much either, (couldn’t really on this stuff) so there was massive, relentless back pressuring to keep from becoming a “runaway train”, lol! Somebody once said it’s like doing THOUSANDS of negative leg reps at the gym…without a break! It was close to 2.5 miles of steep, rocky terrain like this, and I went right through the most challenging parts of it. :slight_smile:

Daffodil Classic With

Check out the snake I found crawling across the trail. I saw it from quite a ways back and thought the “limb” in the trail is getting longer…and it was. I did’nt know what kind of snake it was so I just kept blocking it with the Uni, and taking pictures because who would believe it. Some woman came zipping by on her bike, screamed pretty good , unclipped, and was really letting me know how inconsiderate it was to block the path with a unicycle to take pictures of my horrid snake. She was much nicer after she knew what was up.( Of course if you ride a unicycle, you juggle, but I was unaware I should also carry a large snake in my backpack) Some people not too far away were out in their front lawn so I asked if they were missing a snake? Maybe? They looked around at the ground, looked at each other, bitched back and forth, and then the guy came running over and said yes, don’t worry it’s harmless, he is a little sweetie pie, so I picked it up. For a second I thought about the part in the Pink Panther where Cluesoe asks the guy if his dog bites and pets the dog the guy has on a leash and it chews his hand up and he says you said your dog does’nt bite! And the guys says it’s not my dog. Turns out these people had 21 snakes in the front yard, well 20…now 21 again. They used to have more than that even. In hindsight I kinda wonder where the other snakes are?

Dang Enter Button

The Pics


Buffalo too

There are some ostrich nearby and when it is breeding season the male is like something from Jurassic Park. It must weigh 200-300lbs and it rushes the fence and the gate buckles if you approach the enclosure. Really a serious, dangerous animal.

Had a GREAT GUni MUni today, starting off at a lake then riding +20km of narrow, rugged forest single track that runs between two of the local towns passing through a bunch of mineral springs along the way. Loved it!

More Mineral Springs MUni pics and story:

Wow! By the head shape and pattern it looks like a python, and a Ball python in particular. While not poisonous, pythons can inflict a very painful bite, especially the “reticulated” breed! Where do you live, Africa, Australia, Indonesia? Also looks like he had a very big, recent meal!

The Evergreen State

I live close to Seattle. So we are just a state away Terry. I’ve been to Cali a few times this year. I will hit you up when I am there and ride through a K-Mart with you, then a drive through, jump a couple 9-sets. No trials though, got a trick knee. I do trials like old people “FLUX” :slight_smile:

Haha, deal! I think I would LOVE Seattle, mostly because it’s overcast much of the year, right? I hear it rains a lot as well, but I just love riding in dark, overcast conditions. Not a sun worshiper, this one, that’s for sure! For me, the familiar axiom is reversed and paraphrased, thus: “Sun, sun, go away, don’t come back on ANY day!” =)

lol! that snake is fat!

Nessie out for the first time in a while …

Its ben a while since I was out and about… had a nasty fall over a year ago that buggered up* (*technical latin medical term) my ankle and knocked my confidence. However, now back in the saddle … took Nessie out this morning for a ride in the local woods.

[LEFT]“Nessie …what have I told you about climbing fences!” [/LEFT]

On the way home we paused at the ‘Offering Stone’ and Nessie offered our snack, lifestyle Muesli bar * ( * Other Muesli bars are available), as a token to the Unicycle Gods.

I think they were happy … we had a great day back on the trails … can’t wait for the next ride! … Cheers Dave

Nessie (2) .jpg

The snake is a young Burmese python. They get to be extremely large, up to 15 feet. Believe it or not, they are a popular pet. They have become a real problem in Florida where people ditch them when the get too big or they escape. They are now breeding and wreaking havoc on the local fauna.

The ups and downs of road riding

Pic 1:Harlech town showing a 20% gradient in front of the castle. Yes!!.. I never rode up this :frowning:

Pic 2:Road ride with sign post showing exactly where I am :slight_smile:

Pic 3: proof that I live in a foreign country - but does anyone know the language? :thinking:

Welsh :stuck_out_tongue:

You should really try to go up that hill. Maybe pretty tricky on a 36er though. You got a 24 or something to try it on?


At the summit, after a 4.5 mile climb, and 1,500’ elevation gain,

Sut dach chi Mowcius!
Hey that’s a thought - I’ll get my N26 out and try videoing it!

I wouldn’t be able to do that on my 36, but I’m sure it would be doable on my 26. Depends on how long the climb stays at 20%.

I’m doing well, two more exams then I’m out. I feel ready to cross another continent, but I’m going to spend this season finishing up the job on this one first:
(hey, anyone reading this, yeah, you, places are still available!)

Maybe Iceland next year. Been thinking about that one for a while.

Maybe pointing the helmet cam downward would make it look like everything is uphill?

My rushed ride almost to Lemoine Point today, on my brand new shiny kh36:

Didn’t quite make it because I ran out of time.

I like the wind farm. It gives me hope, especially today.

just bite the head off the snake and eat it raw. that’s what we do down under :stuck_out_tongue: