you know, i wonder if this’d b good for street. I mean, it would probably help w/ gaps and it might even help get the speed up so that quarter pipes would actually b useful! (that might b wishful thinking tho idk). i dont plan on buying it tho, unless i try it and am very impressed.
I just saw this myself. That’s cracked. I guess you could put the other components of the uni around it for another 6-700. I think at this point I’d prefer the square taper (though the splined really is more sexy) if only because I have a greater choice of crank lengths already purchased.
Good to see the price isn’t too crazy But all the same, at that price I’m not planning to buy the hub for either a few years, or until I get lots more money - which ever comes first!
Really exciting to see these developments though. I’m not sure if I’d want a geared 36" or a geared 29" (would be tempted to gunify a 36 for the sake of the overall riding experience, but the 29" adds additional practicality too). But I’d love to have one, and I expect I will buy one eventually
i heard that a gear reduction hub was in the works too.(for like really steep stuff) is there any truth to this?
sorry if i am totally wrong
If your going to buy the splined hub its most likley you would put it on a kh 24 or 29, thats what I would do, that would be awsome If you were to want a 36 guni you will probably want it for road use and so you might as well go for the square hub.
I hate to break it to yall but if you actualy read it with a bit more care, then it sais that the price is for the standard hub. There is no price listed for the KH hub yet.
Yea I knew that, I was just usuming it would be around the same price.
I rather doubt that unless they somehow cut down on costs by alot. The new one is clearly much more advanced than the old one, so my guess is it will cost more too.
Yes, all good points. And the N36 frame has a even hole for attaching the torque arm of the cotterless Schlumpf hub already A KH 29er guni would rock house and be really really fast whilst still being able to do twisty stuff, easily transport, etc.
The reasons I was thinking that putting a KH/Schlumpf hub in a 36er would be a good idea are:
- The multiholed KH cranks could be handy for 36er riding.
- I’ve heard the standard Schlumpf hub is really narrow. I like to be able to do lots of hopping and offroad with my 36" when I feel like it, so I want a hub which is wide enough to guarantee a strong wheelbuild, even if I can’t get a superwide geared hub.
I just noticed something, it says the normal (square taper) hub will be coming in a new version without the torque arm so it will work in most frames, which is a good thing for sure.
lol he said 1.5 m was 6 inches
From what I can recall, someone (kris?) stated that the square taper hub is mostly limited by the fact that it’s square taper. The splined one is basically the same hub innards but with a splined axle put in it, and the big update is the way the ‘torque arm’ is on the bearing instead of an arm.
I hope I’m not spreading misinformation but that’s what I recall reading :q
I also recall him saying that the actual inards are largely unchanged. Also the shift button design has been reinforced alot for the KH
well that means if you still use inches you’ll definantly break the hub
I saw a bike in my lbs the other day with double-drilled cranks. Not sure if they are ISIS or square taper or even one piece cranks, but they do exist outside of unicycling. I think it was a kids bike designed to grow with the rider.
I agree…the KH/Schlumpf hub with the dual drilled cranks will create an amazingly flexible ride. Switching pedals and changing your seat height is a lot easier than switching cranks.
There are drilled cranks that others have made on this board (pdc) that were for square taper hubs.
The new versions of the Schlumpf hub will be great in that they won’t need the torque arm.
I’m excited!
I’m drooling over that new hub, and have a question about the ride it provides. I love making the banked turns on my Nimbus 36. I’m wondering if a 24" wheel geared uni in 36" mode would provide similar banked turn thrills as the actual 36" wheel?
Actually, the inner gearing system has been redesigned and upgraded to accomodate the larger diameter spindle, to increase strength, and to make shifting smoother. The shape of the shifter button is different, and the shifting rod is thicker to resist bending if the shifter button gets bashed.
One big advantage of the lack of lever arm is that you can flip the wheel either way, depending on your preference for which direction you want the buttons to move for up and down-shifting.
Not to thread jack, but check out the Evolution of Balance Award announcement!
I didn’t even think of that, but that is definitely another advantage.
Any update on when these hubs are going to be available? (I’m sure you have been asked this a bunch already)
Can you describe how the bearing housing is made to include the torque arm? I can visualize this but it seems that the bearing outer race must be smaller than the bearing outer race on the other side to do this and make it reversible. That’s a cool innovation.
If the spindle increases in diameter, it seems the hub housing must increase in diameter proportionally. Is this also true?
I’ll trade you my ACL for your knee cartilage.