Penny farthing

Ah nice, exactly what I was after, cheer for taking the time out to type that up :slight_smile:
Looks amazing mate, hopefully I’ll find time to build one soon!

I want to make one of those :slight_smile:

Hi Dmitry,

I think the Triton version would be a Blingy Farthing… haha. I’d love to make a 36"/16" version. If I win the lottery you’ll be hearing from me :slight_smile:




Somewhat related…

These guys are racing each other in the Bupa Challenge Tour in Adelaide on penny farthings. Perhaps you know them, DMac?

John Hannaford modified his Quax penny farthing frame (from to fit a disc brake, and a freewheeling hub. Very tech!

Hi Tony,

They seem to have popped up under the Adelaide Penny radar! Even my mate who is one of the Adelaide Penny diehards hadn’t heard of them until he saw their article in the local paper. I’d like to get in contact with them and have a look at the qu-ax in real life. Very tempted to get a 36er version of my mini penny made…

On the topic of mini penny madness, we had the Mt Lofty Halloween Screamathon on Saturday. About 40 riders rocked up, on everything from choppers, to tall bikes, to double bmx’s, and even one crazy guy dressed as “V” who hit 40km downhill by coasting on the back pegs of his mini penny (what a loon!). Good thing there was a magura mounted on the mini penny before the downhill shenanigans began…haha.



I’ve PM’ed you their email address.

Forgive if this has been posted:

How long before I can get that tire for my muni?

Penny farthing spotted on Google Street

This article popped up on a dodgy Australian news website recently, after they poached it from reddit…

Penny Farthing “news” article

Nice to see a penny farthing immortalised on Google Street view. It’s amazing it was actually visible through the sea of Aston Martins, Bentleys and Porsches that usually fill the streets of Cottesloe, Perth, WA…



New penny!

Well, I didn’t win the lottery, but I still managed to convince the financial controller that a 54" Penny Farthing was just what my collection was missing! After all, my mini penny was getting aweful lonely hanging out with unicycles all day…

So my new 54" Penny arrived late last week. The weekend was spent cruising on her, and man what fun! The 54" wheel is a tad bit scary at first (I had only briefly ridden one before), but after a few minutes you get used to being super high up. I had no problem with mounting, as it’s just like the mini penny except scaled up. It’s also a hoot overtaking normal bike riders as I was zipping along at +30km/hr downhill. At those speeds being so high off the ground is a little freaky, as if you do happen to go over the bars you’re going to hit the ground hard and fast. Let’s hope that never happens!

Overall I am very happy with the level of detail Roger @ UDC put into the design and workmanship of this bike. If you are interested in getting into penny racing, I would say that the UDC pennies are the highest quality value for money option for getting into the sport. There are other boutique options available if you’re willing to pay, but you’re then talking at least triple the cost of the UDC penny.

Looking forward to racing some events next year in the UK, and to the rest of the summer cruising on my new toy!



Fantastic amacuni.
Sure does look fun, though more than a little scary :astonished:
Great pictures :slight_smile:

Sad news. My friend fell and hit her head (just below the helmet) yesterday during a Pennyfarthing race in Baltimore Maryland. She is going to be OK but I’m worried that the Bardstown Road Bicycle Company (owned and operated by Alison and her husband Carson, active members of the Louisville Wheelmen) might not have a great insurance plan and I know an ambulance trip to an overnight hospital stay is not cheap. Please pray for my friend’s health and the family’s financial wellbeing.

You guys be careful on those things! You know you are sitting up high when you can look down on me on my 36er. Even in a low speed accident, that is a long way to fall.

Was your friend one of the ladies in this picture? I hope she is OK.

penny 2.psd (2.89 MB)

Is your friend one of the ladies in this picture? I hope she is doing OK.

penny 4.jpg

Had a chance to ride along side a couple of my penny farthing friends in a ciclovía yesterday. I love this picture. Notice how I’m getting a head start on my 36er. I had to shift my Schlumpf into high gear to keep up.


Guess what this will become, my current project over holiday break. Great what an old bmx bike can become.

Half a penny

guess what this will become. Great what a bmx b*ke can become, my current project over holiday break.


Gpuni one! :wink:


Nice one Pagee! Looking forward to seeing how your franken-penny turns out!

46th annual Wheelmen’s Meet

I had the pleasure in riding my 36" unicycle in the “Retro Ride” as part of the 46th annual Wheelmen’s Meet in Louisville Kentucky. Over 100 “Ordinary” (PennyFarthing) and “Antique” (Safety) bicycles parading down 2nd street with a police escort (we got to run the lights) all the way down to Waterfront Park. A nicer bunch of people you will not find.

Look how those “High Wheel” bicycles dwarf my 36er!