-- Out the Game Flat -- Medium

so what about a new round ? i think im medium now so i would like to try it haha :smiley:

mY to, Iā€™m going to lose soooo hard!:stuck_out_tongue:

Casper _ _ _
Marcell _ _ _

Casper _ _ _
Marcell _ _ _
Matthew Pederson _ _ _

Casper _ _ _
Marcell _ _ _
Matthew Pederson _ _ _
Unilars_ _ _

one more and someone have a trick ready to set.

Iā€™m in! Who wants to set?

Casper _ _ _
Marcell _ _ _
Matthew Pederson _ _ _
Unilars_ _ _
Christian(trial4ever)_ _ _

_ _ _ Casper
_ _ _ Marcell
_ _ _ Matthew Pederson
_ _ _ Unilars
_ _ _ Christian(trial4ever)
_ _ _ An)-On (OUK)

in :smiley:

_ _ _ Casper
_ _ _ Marcell
_ _ _ Matthew Pederson
_ _ _ Unilars
_ _ _ Christian(trial4ever)
_ _ _ An)-On (OUK)
_ _ _ Tim Desmet

I will join to, but I donā€™t think I will have time to play xD

yeea nice list! so who can start it? :smiley:

Haha, Iā€™m sure iā€™m going to be OUT in the first 3 rounds.:stuck_out_tongue:

lol, you will seeā€¦
Me to xD because in 4 days Iā€™m gone for 9 daysā€¦ so that is at least OU :stuck_out_tongue:

ah tim you have 4 days to ride so you can seet : D

Waarom dat dan Tim, stedenreis van school ofzo?

jip, kga van 9 tot 16 april naar polen, praag en berlijnā€¦ als schoolreis en daarna zijn et koxx days :stuck_out_tongue:

So, who in going to startā€¦ I think I canā€™t start because I donā€™t know exactly how difficult the level is. :roll_eyes:

yeah i dunno too, so Christian Brink can you set youre a big otg gamer you can know what difficult is a medium otg is :wink:


iā€™m sorry it took so longā€¦ I have been busy :slight_smile:
But here it is:


http://vimeo.com/22489195 Here it is.
Is it alright that I did two rotations sidewheelwalk instead of one rotation with one foot on the frame because Iā€™ve got a Impact Grafity frame? :roll_eyes: