Out the Game 'Beginner'

so the first person to land the trick gets to set the next trick?

I can deffinetely do it I just havent filmed it yet :roll_eyes: I will get it up by saturday Im just being lazy…:wink:

Yeah, This is very easy for me but it will be a chellenge with a freestyle uni. ^^ i Just havent filmed it yet…

If you can already do a static unispin from a stillstand, then work on smooth SIF riding. Practice riding along SIF, come to a short stillstand, then ride away. When that’s solid, then add the unispin.

yo can i join?

Trick 1: 30 idles, Set by Trevor
Trick 2: Rolling 180 Unispin, no hops, set by Julia
Trick 3: Will be set on Saturday by Cubemansam

_ _ _Trevor Stader*
_ _ _96erik
_ _ _Julia B* (set)
_ _ _Anton005
_ _ _SirSkillz (landed)
_ _ _Cubemansam (landed)
_ _ _The Defecator
O _ _Crosseyed (landed)
_ _ _Molehill
_ _ _Unicyclingisfun
_ _ _Unicycle Person
_ _ _Override
O _ _Waaalrus
O _ _LiLpunk2012

You can definitely join. You just have to start with an O cause you missed the first trick.

It’s spam. Look at his sig.

After practicing this all week I realized something only this morning. This is easier for me going in the opposite direction! I should have thought of this sooner since my natural foot position for hopping is right foot forward and most people seem to be the other way (I also ride goofy foot skateboarding). Does it count either way? Not that I’m expecting to land this today!

Yup waaalrus, counts either way.

Today’s the last day, one week since when I posted. Everyone has until midnight though.

sorry about the really bad quality. i took it on my phone


and im not sure…does it count to seat in?

Oh… I thought we had tomorrow asswell…ah well I will have to get an O. The only 180 unispin tape i have so far is static so…yeh…

When should I upload the new trick?

Anytime tomorrow.

Trick 1: 30 idles, Set by Trevor
Trick 2: Rolling 180 Unispin, no hops, set by Julia
Trick 3: Will be set on Saturday by Cubemansam

_ _ _Trevor Stader*
_ _ _96erik
_ _ _Julia* (set)
_ _ _Anton005
_ _ _SirSkillz (landed)
_ _ _Cubemansam (landed)
_ _ _The Defecator
O _ _Crosseyed (landed)
_ _ _Molehill
_ _ _Unicyclingisfun
_ _ _Unicycle Person
_ _ _Override
O _ _Waaalrus
O _ _Sarah (landed)

I thought it was going to be set on saturday and its 11am saturday in Australia so what time do we go by?

Yeah, i was just thinking that as well, because its now Saturday afternoon here, which is more than a week after i uploaded the rolling 180…so should I just upload the new trick now?

Yeah, I dont think anyone else will do it anyone.

So just go for it. :slight_smile:

Cool, it should be up in an hour or so…

here it is…is this too hard?

Waiting in line…

New Trick: Backwards rolling hop off a curb

I think thats a great one. Just what I needed, a kick in the pants to get somewhere riding backwards.

Well yeah I’ve been tryin all week to land that 180 unispin and i couldn’t get it. plus it was super hard when it’s blizzarding outside and 20 degrees :sunglasses: I used to be legit. 2 legit to quit. now im not legit. I’m unlegit. so now, I must quit.

Not really i guess I just have an O but its official…me and rod are pretty much twins.

Are the tricks supposed to get progressively harder throughout? If so, I’m screwed.