**Out Of The Game Street** Begginners/intermiediate .

im in .

It’s like playing HORSE but it’s online and instead of spelling HORSE you spell OUT.

yea thanks ive read the rules now :stuck_out_tongue: . who starts? .

You remember my very brief post in the other thread? :roll_eyes:

If not, here’s a hint:

ROFL ! k ummmm im keen to learn side spins? .

I think matti was gonna start

and remember, it has to be up or down something, nothing on flat.

oh does it? k . start mati .

oh i can start but i just have very less street clips and it´s too dark to film but i´ll watch what i find :wink:
if it´s enough for the beginning i could take a flip down a curb


so till next friday you have to upload the vid

I’ll upload tomorrow. The trick DOES have to be up or down something, right?

oh sht i cant crank flip . 0

Eep can I still join?
I should be able to do this one.

Never too late to learn! :wink:

rofl yea i am now :stuck_out_tongue: .

you can join till the 3rd round but if you join in the second round you start with an “o” and if you join in the 3rd round you get an “ou”

you have to film flip down a curb and the first one who land and post the flip down a curb can post his trick after a week and it must be down or up something

you have to film flip down a curb and the first one who land and post the flip down a curb can post his trick after a week and it must be down or up something

if this is an out the game i will be in

it is;)

Yeah but are you really begginer\intermidiate ?

That 7spin sounds like your kinda good at street doesn’t it ? :stuck_out_tongue:

i hope my kh longneck will come tomorrow so i will film the flip. (never flipped down something yet)