**OUT of the game Flat** Super Beginner

Here is my video, hope it´s ok :wink:


First Trick: No Footer (set by Tapeman)
Second Trick:Will be set on Monday, 1/4/10 ,by LiLpunk2012

_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp
_ _ _ downtube
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele(landed)
_ _ _ richi
_ _ _ TheJoker
_ _ _ erick
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator

This is the trick:


Is it ok?

Nice work, you got quite high!

Hope you didn’t hurt yourself too much when you fell though :stuck_out_tongue:

Please add me :slight_smile:

Yeah i’m Sarah :smiley:
Okay some tips for everyone.
When you jump up, jump with both feel at exactly the same time, with equal pressure, that way your pedals wont move, and the unicycle will stay underneath you. Also, when you jump push down on your seat with one hand to keep it on the ground. As you are hopping, pull your feet up when the uni is on the ground, not in the air, and that should keep it on the ground :slight_smile: To get some height, when you jump don’t jump with just your entire body, jump and pull your knees up, that will give you more height. Then to land you just have to commit, and put both feet back at the same time and you should be good :slight_smile:

First Trick: No Footer (set by Tapeman)
Second Trick:Will be set on Monday, 1/4/10 ,by LiLpunk2012

_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp
_ _ _ downtube
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele (landed)
_ _ _ richi (landed)
_ _ _ TheJoker
_ _ _ erick
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator
_ _ _ anton005

First Trick: No Footer (set by Tapeman)
Second Trick:Will be set on Monday, 1/4/10 ,by LiLpunk2012

_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp
_ _ _ downtube
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele(landed)
_ _ _ richi
_ _ _ TheJoker
_ _ _ erick
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator
_ _ _ Anton005

Thanks, Ill give it ago this afternoon. :slight_smile:

edit: sorry I didnt see the 4th page.


Let me know if one of these is good enough. Don’t blink.

After reading Sarah’s tips, I’ll try more tomorrow, but if this is good enough I won’t bother to film.

hey guys. ive come down with a cold so ill land mine on friday, when i might be better.


know my feet isn’t moving so much away from the pedals but they do a little bit


_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp (landed)
_ _ _ downtube
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele(landed)
_ _ _ richi
_ _ _ TheJoker
_ _ _ erick
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator
_ _ _ Anton005

First Trick: No Footer (set by Tapeman)
Second Trick:Will be set on Monday, 1/4/10 ,by LiLpunk2012

_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp
_ _ _ downtube
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele (landed)
_ _ _ richi (landed)
_ _ _ TheJoker
_ _ _ erick
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator
_ _ _ anton005

Your videos should count i think. I am not the judge though. And i think this game is all about having fun and challenging yourself to push your own limits. So if you want, go back to page 3 and read my tips, then go out and work on it, and if you get better at it, film it and show us :smiley:


First Trick: No Footer (set by Tapeman)
Second Trick:Will be set on Monday, 1/4/10 ,by LiLpunk2012

_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp (landed)
_ _ _ downtube (landed)
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele (landed)
_ _ _ richi (landed)
_ _ _ TheJoker
_ _ _ erick
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator
_ _ _ anton005

I’m not satisfied with mine so I’ll work on it again today. Thanks for the tips!

alright heres mine. too bad i had a flat on tuesday or else I would have filmed it infront of a pyramid at teotihuacan, oh well.


A little better today but still not getting any elevation.



_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp (landed)
_ _ _ downtube (landed)
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele (landed)
_ _ _ richi (landed)
_ _ _ TheJoker (Landed)
_ _ _ erick (Landed)
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator
_ _ _ anton005

Hope this is good enough. Sorry the lighting and quality is horrible but i was in a big hurry because i thought there wasn’t much time left. Stay in school kids.


Ok im in.

_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp (landed)
_ _ _ downtube (landed)
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele (landed)
_ _ _ richi (landed)
_ _ _ TheJoker (Landed)
_ _ _ erick (Landed)
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator
_ _ _ anton005
_ _ _ CRusso

Yeah Defecator yours easily counts. :slight_smile:

First Trick: No Footer (set by Tapeman)
Second Trick:Will be set on Monday, 1/4/10 ,by LiLpunk2012

_ _ _ Pimpinpete (landed)
_ _ _ LiLpunk2012 (landed)
_ _ _ tapeman* (set)
_ _ _ Trevor (landed)
_ _ _ mortenvp (landed)
_ _ _ downtube (landed)
_ _ _ aquamongoose
_ _ _ nele (landed)
_ _ _ richi (landed)
_ _ _ TheJoker
_ _ _ erick
_ _ _ Obtusellama (landed)
_ _ _ The Defecator (landed)
_ _ _ anton005
_ _ _ CRusso

Crusso you have today and tomorrow to do the trick. :wink:

He’s got it. I’m gonna film him doing it tonight, so if it’s not up tonight it’ll be up tomorrow for sure.