[OT] What causes a side ache?


One of my students asked this question,
“What causes a side ache?”

Anyone know?

Before anyone can answer that question, is the afflicted person is married? hehehe

I think it has to do with being dehydrated I’m not sure if thats it though.

Our Phys.Ed. book called it a “stitch-in-the-side”, and said that experts aren’t sure what causes it, but there are some theories. I don’t remember what they are, though. :roll_eyes:


Some information HERE

Has anyone suffered side ache from unicycling?

The suggested website seemed pretty on-target and logical. I know from personal experience as a cross-country and long distance track runner that getting in shape really helps to lower the frequency of side stitches.

Sometimes. Usually, I’ll just take a break or slow down till it goes away. I never worried about it much.

Eating. If I eat a largish meal before doing some fast uniing, I get side ache. If it happens I just slow down and take deep breaths till it goes.

Re: [OT] What causes a side ache?

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 22:44:47 -0600, UniBrier
<UniBrier.k00ua@timelimit.unicyclist.com> wrote:

>Has anyone suffered side ache from unicycling?
Rarely. If it happens I take it easy till it goes away. I had it often
as a kid. I have it more often from running, maybe the way I do MUni
makes it less (continuously) strenuous than running?

For Nikki: stitch in the side is a literal translation for the Dutch
common term for it: steek in de zij. Thanks.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

"Three dog night (attributed to Australian Aborigines) came about because on especially cold nights these nomadic people needed three dogs (dingos, actually) to keep from freezing. "

Aargh, I’m having flashbacks of school cross country…

“RUN FASTER!!! The stitch will go away if you run through it! RUN!!!”

PE teachers are cruel, cruel people.


Re: [OT] What causes a side ache?

An excellent question- I’m glad you posed it. It has been well established that side aches occure after ingesting water-mellon seeds; The seeds sprout in the warmth of your stomach, then attempt to grow tward the sun- via your splean. Make sure to theroughly chew each seed, and you shouldn’t have any problem.
