Omgili forum search engine

There is a new search engine in beta called Omgili. It indexes web based discussion forums and it has in the index, including Just Conversation, Trading Post, Unicycling Articles and Tutorials, etc.

An alternative way to search the forums here.

Here’s how they describe themselves:

Great! Yet another tool for newbie posters to ignore when starting another “What is a crankflip?” thread.

Seriously, this is pretty cool stuff. It’s about time someone tapped this stream of information and filtered it in a half-intelligent manner…

Now if only we could cross-reference the collective ignore lists of each forum into the search engine, we could make some crap-free searches and get some real quality search results.

What else from a bulletin board might one incorporate into the engine?

Can we sticky this?

kidding…it sounds pretty cool

New toy!

Thanks John.

Cool. I’m using it to do some searching on building a mosquito-free toad pond. I’m hoping to use a BIG plastic garbage pail, so it’ll be deep enough (3 + feet) it wont freeze to the bottom.

It’s more for toad life than for looks, but I’ll prolly have to put some circulator or bubbler in it. And I don’t have room to go much wider than the pail

I have been searching Omgili every couple of days since posting this thread to see when this thread shows up in their index. This thread finally showed up in a search. So figure two weeks for a new thread to show up in their search index. They’re still in beta and I’m sure that they’ll be improving the frequency of index updates as things go along.

Omgili has a neat idea. Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other standard search engines sometimes have problems with indexing discussion forums and returning results to the correct page of a forum. Omgili may be able to address that problem.

I usually use to search RSU, but that doesn’t cover the other forums here. Cool link.

<valley girl voice>
OMG, like, how am I EVER supposed to, like, search for what, like, James said to Dave about what, like, Kristine said to Owen in MR, like, that totally sucks! OMGWTFBBQ!
</valley girl voice>

seriously, r0x0rz my s0x0rz.

my ears are burning.