Found this here:
More seriously… I do hope nobody is hurt.
Yesterday I saw the latest Scream film on Netflix. Would be fun to see the slasher on uni, though he would prolly hurt himself.
All kidding aside I am riding with a knife most of the time while I ride my bike or my uni, concealed of course. Before this world went nutzy noodley carrying a knife was a common accessory for a man, both working man and gentlemen . My grand father had one in his pocket always, in fact I have his pocket knives and still use them today. It was a common accessory to a add to a pocket watch chain, and many pocket watches where sold with a matching knife. I find carrying a knife to be quite useful, you never know when you may need one.
Now your talking. That’s unbelievable to me how that is even possible to change and image like that., no wonder people say you can’t believe an thing you see online
That was exactly my thoughts
I too have always a knife with me - one of those mini swiss army knives that you put on the key ring. Features a ca. 3cm blade (seldom used), a little screwdriver/nail file, tweezers, scissors and - most used - a pen. Very useful little thing.
It’s an effective way of putting a stop to the ‘you’ve lost a wheel’ comments.
Yep, you can easily cut them short…