Off-Road Unicycle Journey

Hi All,

I wanted to know if there is a recommended equipment setup for long distance (for few days) off-road ride.
The equipment includes food, water tent, clothes, etc.

From articles I found on unicyclists that made long distance rides, I saw that a special bag/s mount was used on the uni fork itself.
However, since I am planning to ride off-road only I guess it would be impractical for a 26er or 29er in trails paths conditions.

I’d be happy to hear your suggestions.

Thanks a lot!

If the weather is nice look into a hammock instead of a tent. Search ‘Eno hammocks’

Even if it may be scattered, you can find in this forum either uni trip journals or discussions on the logistic.

A quick search yielded these links and you can refine on terms or following links provided in the threads:

Long distance questions
Gear packed for Multi-Day ride
Touring with a unicycle
Multi-day Muni

Don’t hesistate topost the most helpful threads here as a memo for others :wink:

Looks cool!
But I’d have to make sure to have trees wherever I plan to sleep at night.


Thanks a lot for the help.
Some of these links are known to me and some are new, but again - I think that I will only be able to tell if the rack mount is suitable for my riding mode is to take it for a test drive and see for myself.

Take a look at tarptent. Specifically the Protrail, formerly known as the contrail. It’s a full tent for the same weight as a hammock+rainfly setup.

Do some research on ultralight setups, and weigh out whether it may be best to just credit card tour if you’re near civilization.

Have fun : ) An off road uni tour sounds amazing.

Could always do the great divide if you have a few months! :smiley:

They cost more than Eno, but Warbonnet Outdoors builds hand-made hammocks that are simply awesome. I have a Ridgerunner, which is a suspension design (you lay flat, and can even roll on your sides) and the coolest thing is, if you have to go to ground, it can be set up as a bivy. With a down under-quilt I’ve slept snug and comfy in well below freezing temps.

I found this interesting tent setup for Bike - do you think it would work with Uni as well? :slight_smile:

The uni has nothing to hold it up so it would fall and pull down your tent.

I wouldn’t worry about a tent just carry a knife, tarp, camping hammock, paracord, a dozen granola or energy bars and as much water as you can carry, add a small bag with lighter, first aid, light, signaling devices, tools and repair items for the uni.

Throw it all in a medium size backpack and you should be good to go for a few days.


Some have adapted these for uni…

No need to adapt, they fit a uni frame without modification, so I hear. I think UDC even sells them.

Quick Update

Hi All,

Just a quick update - my equipment is all set up and ready for the big journey!
Next week myself and another unicyclist from Israel are going to have a Uni journey PoC (Proof of Concept) of two days and 100 KM in off-road tails.
If all goes well we should be able to understand better our needs and limits for the big journey of 1000 KM from Israel’s northern border to its southern border.
We are going to have both 26er and 29er unis and switch them with one another to decide which is best for this kind of long ride at the given terrain.

Here is my equipment pic:

And my extremely cool KH 29er with Fusion Zero seat:


Happy trails!

I’m guessing you will be passing through places where you can get food, and the tuna is just a portable supplement?

If you’re looking to shed some weight there are some possibilities to consider.

  • If the ground you’ll be sleeping on isn’t too cold, you could lose the pad and sleep with your torso on the empty pack.
  • A simple/standard wrench of the correct size may be lighter than the park tool.
  • If tuna is your thing, sometimes you can find it packaged in foil zip-close bags rather than cans, then remove the can opener.
  • Of course it is possible to eat anything without cutlery, or you could double the tyre spoon as a tuna spoon :wink:

Some standard bicycle water bottle racks can fit on a uni seatpost/frame. This will take water weight off your back (saddle!).

More controversially, you might consider an umbrella rather than a pack cover. Ray Jardine gives the virtues of the backcountry umbrella monograph-length treatment in his ‘Beyond Backpacking’. Suffice it to say that you can use it to shelter self and pack from rain and wind in a surprising array of conditions. Plus people giggle even more when they see the unicycle + umbrella combination.

@bristlecone, thanks a lot for all the tips!
I loved the umbrella idea :slight_smile:

What I’d bring for a few day trip in addition to a regular Muni ride.

-2 sets of high performance clothes, one set of thermals, rain jacket
-extra Chamoix Butt’r
-lightweight backpacking food that doesn’t need to be heated
-plastic spork and plate
-Tool kit: patches, 1 extra tube, Titanium tire levers, CO2 fill kit w/ cartriges, multi-socket wrench.
-emergency sleeping bag
-empty 32 oz Gatorade bottle
-iodine tabs
-bear repellent pepper spray
-cell phone
-emergency whistle

More than 3 days and I’d add the lightest stove I could find, one backpacking pot that can double as a bowl/plate, a wider variety of food, Dr Bronner’s soap.

I’d have to use an umbrella-hat