noticeable differences between 26 and 29 muni

One other thought, I’m guessing that a geared unicycle is a different feel than just using, for example 150/125 crank arms? I’ve been planning on the 26" with those crank arms, which would probably seem more like a 27.5" uni. That’s about all I want to do now on trails. I’m still strongly considering the kh 29" with a tire that would allow for street and flat off-road. We’ll see. But, I have never given thought to a geared uni.

I think you should buy the used KH29, and if it feels too big, just put a 26" wheel in the 29" frame. Having two wheels is cheaper than having two unicycles. It’s only four bolts to swap 'em out. Happy riding!


Unless you use rim brakes.
I don’t know if it is simple to swap wheels with disk brakes as I have never used it.

Yes, disc brakes solve this problem nicely.

I’m not actually speaking from personal experience, as I’ve only ridden a Schlumpf twice for a few minutes each, but I think a geared unicycle is pretty advanced: supposedly the chain play makes it more difficult to ride plus you need to be pretty skilled to shift on the fly. I guess for road riding the level of proficiency required is lower as both the chain play and need to shift are reduced, but for off-road I personally think I would just now be ready for a Schlumpf for off-road but only recently. Then there’s the cost thing that a unicycle with a Schlumpf costs more than a second unicycle… so you’re really only saving on versatility and storage space (e.g. being able to ride the same unicycle fast on the road >20km/h that you use on technical trails).

I have officially gone with a 26" Oracle. I’ll get used to that and then see what’s next. I really appreciate all the info!

you made the right choice. 29 would be frustrating for muni at your height and inseam. Oracle 26 is an excellent uni.

Hi sukie47,

after finally reading your first post (and translating those weird units into cm and kg) on a proper computer (somehow and my ipad don’t love each other) i do believe that you made the right choice with the 26" Oracle.

Depending on the terrain you usually ride on you may eventually want to swap the 3" Duro tire with something lighter (like the 3" Surly Knard). Less rotating mass is quite noticable.

And, if you stick to unicycling it’s quite possible you’ll crave for more speed after some time and you’ll buy a 29" or even a 36" (that’s what i did) later on.
Or mabye a Schlumpf hub (makes your 26" as fasst as a 39")?

Keep on riding, keep having fun unicycling and keep us updated!



I have the 26" Oracle. I started out with the stock Duro tire, which ended up being heavy and sluggish, and now use the considerably lighter Maxxis Ardent.

Indeed 26x17/11 is equivalent to 40" and with a knard 26x3 it becomes a 42er

Oracle 26 is a good choice. Isn’t it delivered with a knard tire now?

Tire: Duro wildlife leopard 26" x 3.0"

That’s at least what is says on the usa site. The KH is delivered with a Knard.

Ok, I thought because of few videos from Terry Peterson :

and this one:

Didn’t realize that in the following review video it wasn’t the knard.

It comes with the Duro Wildlife Leopard. I have been wondering how different this is going to feel d/t the increased weight. Guess I’ll find out tomorrow. I’m sure I will regret my decision, and then after I freak out and get used to it, I will be quite happy. That’s how I roll. I will let you know how it goes.

The Duro gets a lot of grief because it’s so heavy, but it’s also really a sturdy, work-horse-type of tire. The sidewalls are really stiff, and you can ride a lot of terrain with confidence with it. The lighter tires have softer sidewalls, and fold more easily under stress, so your riding has to compensate for that. There are always trade-offs, so don’t automatically regret your purchase before giving it a substantial break-in/test period. You’ve bought a really nice uni, I think you’ll like it. Cheers!

edit: You can always lose some weight by going with a lighter inner tube (or tubeless). You can lose 1/2 to 3/4 lb of rolling weight this way, which you can feel right away. You’ll be more vulnerable to pinch flats, but only if you do big drops.

I have a Duro on my 24" oracle and like it just fine, but then again it is all I have ever used. Ahh ignorance is bliss. :roll_eyes:

Heavy DH tires help build a lot of confidence. They give you the ability to just smash over things you would not have believed you could ride over and give you plenty of momentum so you aren’t thrown by little imperfections in the trail you failed to notice.

Lighter tires take less energy to ride once you are fairly experienced but are more easily thrown or bounced off-line and are less forgiving of poor technique.

I would stick with the Duro for a while. If you feel the weight of it is holding you back more than your ability to ride over obstacles, then it might be time to swap to a lighter tire.

I sure have a great deal of respect for you guys riding he 36ers. I don’t think there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that I would ever be on one. But, the two guys that I have made contact with here both ride 36ers almost exclusively. They have only started back on trails because this new enthusiastic person has come around. :slight_smile: If I ever feel that riding a unicycle is second nature, I would love to at least see what it feels like. It is far from that now, and I don’t see it happening anytime soon. But, stranger things have happened.

In the beginning there is nothing wrong with the Duro, it’s a bigger Muni and all so you don’t find the tire weigth soomething unusual. At least i didn’t for aboout a year.
After i got better at riding, and i did almost exclusively XC and little bit on road/pavement i just thought “Maybe a lighter tire with slightly different profile will roll better on the way to my XC tracks and will maybe help on those short hills (uphill)”.
So i swapped it with the 26x3" Knard and was really happy i did. But that’s just my experience with my style of riding on the tracks I usually ride on. Might be different for rougher downhill tracks for example.

If you like the increased speed on the 26" (and 26x3" has nearly the circumference of a standard 29") you sooner or later will want the 36". And don’t think that the 36" is only for roads. I love it for XC and there are several others doing Muni with it too.



You may be really surprised. They are incredibly easy to ride compared to anything else, but you have to get comfortable with the speed and height. Although very maneuverable, 36ers take a little learning to know how to throw your weight around. Totally worth it, but always ride within your limits on them. I’ve seen a few bad spills on them, and they aren’t pretty. With short cranks, you can get well above sprinting/running speed on them. :wink: That’s when it starts getting fun. If you were hesitant about such a big wheel, the 32 will be coming out in a few days I believe. That would allow you to keep up pretty well with the 36er riders if you wanted to ride with the pack so to speak.

Well, I just opened up the Oracle and put it together. First impression was as I expected. I was really intimidated by the size of the wheel, and of course thought I had made a mistake. But, before heading out of town, I just had to know at least whether or not I could even ride the thing, let alone if I would like it. So I took it to the local rec park and gave it a whirl on gravel, grass and dirt. Love it! It took a bit of getting used to, but not long. I think I’m going to really love this uni.

Wow, a 32" coming out? Now that might be something I could at least ponder in a year or so. That’s cool.