non-boboxing discussion

Hi, I’m new here.
I’m bobóxo, from France, has been around less than two years i’m practicing unicycle.
What I prefer is hockey, but right now, no team plays where I’m living. So, when I’ve got time, I loooove do some DIY things, like giraffe :slight_smile:

2017-01-16-20.40.11-1024x768.jpg :
The first one. I take a kid bike, for 16" wheel size, I cut it, and I was able to put a pivotal just at the top of pedaling thanks of morpho’ bike. I put a 20" wheel what I mounted with a bike’s hub allowing disk brake and put a DIY gear - about 24 teeth.
Right now, I dismount this girafe (baby), needed to change some pieces for the next giraffe I made

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The second, is my biggest (the seat is at 7"). I needed 3 bikes… what a shame.
Right now, it got new pedals and cranks. I already ride it, in town (big time! insane!), but i’m little bit scared by my welding XD No shows with it for the moment :slight_smile:

The last, it’s some pieces when i finished the second, I thought was a good idea to make another one. 16 wheel, with 2.0 gear ratio :slight_smile: It’s like riding a 29" unicycle -> for the speed, not for the balancing - haha

ERRATA: the last has a 14" wheel, so it’s not tall at all :slight_smile:

Welcome, and nice wheels :).

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