Nominate JC's Best Bloviater Here

blo·vi·ate (blv-t)
intr.v. blo·vi·at·ed, blo·vi·at·ing, blo·vi·ates Slang
To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner: “the rural Babbitt who bloviates about ‘progress’ and ‘growth’” George Rebeck.

  1. bloviate - orate verbosely and windily
    orate - talk pompously

Ex: Today’s NYTimes: Cruel and public vigils animate the Beltway bloviation circuit [regarding why Treasury Secty John W. Snow keeps showing up for work]

I think there’s only one real candidate for this award, but I’ll hold off my nomination so as to not unduly influence the nominations.


me, me me!!!

We’ll see. Personally, I wouldn’t nominate you. [No offense meant].

and I’ve been getting PMs from people seeking the nomination.

Can you believe it??!


The nerve of those folks, Billy. Who do they think they are anyway? But I wasn’t really seeking, just poking fun where a good poke needs to be jabbed. I might have a notion to nominate the good daddy Mr. J.Foss but anything he boasts about in our fora-ums is well deserving of mention. So I won’t nominate him, just admire him.


or Jagur!

Nominations noted. But is the floor open for discussion? It is? Good. Why would you nominate Jagur when his posts are mostly infrequent? Then when he does post, he is usually trying to sell his latest aquisition. And Humble Harper is well known mostly for his personality and charisma, not boasting about it.

I nominate my good pal BTM. May he reign forever in the lofts of knowledge.

Also, don’t forget, the nominations must be represented by posts to only Just Conversation.

Me too, I second, and all that other stuff.

I’ll vote for BTM
Can Bloviater be used to describe me? :thinking:

So far, BTM is in the lead!!!

Habbywall’s got one self-nomination.

james potter: You may only nominate ONE candidate. Please decide, or neither nomination can be counted.

Evan =p

BTM? Hoozat?

I’ll cast my vote for the magical Wal-mart greeter.

Another for BTM. Wow! Looks like it’s going to me in the early polls!

Well, given that definition…

I certainly woudn’t want to insult anyone here by nominating them. So, my vote then, by default, goes to you, BillyOnTheMountain.

evan byrne for some reason

Well, I never guessed it when I started this thread, but I’ve gotten nearly 6 nominations, and no one else has gotten more than one.

When the other nominees decide to concede, I’m standing by to take their concession and receive congratulations.

Is it premature? I would like to thank the other nominees for running a clean campaign and…


How modest of you.

How can we nominate one for something that Merriam says doesn’t exist?

Obviously a sore loser trying to cast doubt on my nomination.

This is my victory speech. I wish to thank all my supporters, and I am honored to continue to serve in this capacity.

Thank you!!!


Here, here!

Okay, Billy…

Who do YOU nominate?