no uni for me for a while

Let’s hope so. It doesn’t sound like taking ligaments out of the leg would be good for the unicycling.

I believe what they do in that case is take a strip from a ligament in your leg. So they don’t take all of the ligament. You’ll want to get informed about what they would actually do in case it does come to that.

Uff, that’s heavy.

Hope they can fix it painlessly without touching your legs.

OK so it turns out that pertnear everything i said there was wrong.

It was a level four separation because the collarbone went into the muscle on the top/back of my shoulder. All of the ligaments connecting my collarbone to my shoulder blade were torn and they needed to graft material from my leg to repair them.

They use the strong fibers of the muscle casing from my thigh to repair the ligaments so they were taking muscle casing not ligaments from my leg.

The surgery was last thursday and monday (when i thought i had surgery) was a second surgical consultation then all the pre-surgical stuff like blood-work, physical etc.

So the surgery was thursday, they did need to graft material from my leg into my shoulder and i seem to be healing quite quickly but due to the leg graft I don’t think i will be able to go on the bike trip that I was planning for the second week in May. But you never know, I can already walk up stairs (but only down one at a time).

Im going back to bed and run that cool ice-watter shoulder pad thingy for a few hours.:slight_smile:


Ow. Well, it’s good that the surgery is over and you can start healing.

Hopefully you’ll be riding in no time. You can get some unicycling movies meanwhile and watch the hell out of them.

That must suck. recently I broke my arm and i couldnt unicycle for about 5 weeks i thought that was bad.Hope you get well soon

Glad to hear that your surgery is over. Material from muscle casings in your leg to repair your shoulder… isn’t medicine amazing!

Heal well and get back in the game. But take your time and make sure you are all patched up and yourself again. :slight_smile:

I feel your pain… it sucks to be out of commission this close to the start of summer. Hope that you start feeling better as soon as possible.

It might be the painkillers but I am doing not bad at all. Im staying at my grandparents place for a few days so I am eating lots of good food:) I can now walk without much of a limp and go up and down stairs so maybe I will be able to go on that bike trip I was planning, just stick to the easier trails.:slight_smile:

Not looking forward to writing all those finals i missed next week though.:o

That is awesome you are doing good and healing fast! I hope you get to go on that bike trip…

Great to hear you’re doing well! Enjoy the tasty eats, and be sure to take it easy on that leg and shoulder until they’re fully healed.

Get that Nimbus 36" yet?

Yup, and there’s nothing worse than getting a new toy and not being able to use it :slight_smile:

Todays development: I can walk up and down stairs with out pain :smiley:

Well done!

What about your arm?

The shoulder is starting to feel better, I have to do a bunch of physiotheopy and I get the pin out on may 17th so I will not have full range of motion untill after that. Looks like the bike trip isn’t happening but I still plan on cannoing this summer. And hopefully I will still be able to shoot my bow this fall.

That really sucks man. I really hope you get better, and can get back to uni-ing.

I started Uniing again last week and it felt so good to be back on one wheel, my physiotherapist says that I am healing supper fast and I have prety good range of motion right now, it still sucks though becouse my right arm is still quite a bit weaker than I am used to. I get the pin out tomorrow morning and hopefully the shoulder will be prety much back to mormal in a few more weeks (and 3 hours of physio a day).

I am excited to ride my 36er. I told myself I would not ride it untill I got the pin out so I would not do anything stupid while a fall could still theoreticaly break my colar bone due to the pin. I should be riding it by this weekend! :slight_smile:

Kewl, man!

What does the physiotherapy involve for you, exactly?

The screw is out and my shoulder feels fantastic! sure it feels like I got stabed in the shoulder but the joint is so much looser now and I cant feel it grinding on itself when I move it anymore! I think I have full range of motion again or at least I have more range of motion than before the screw was taken out.

My physio is mostly dooing difrent shoulder stretches and lifting weights (rocks) in difrent directions from difrent positions.

I am making a trip home this weekend just to pick up my 36er before going back up north.

So you aren’t overdoing it, right?

Good to see you getting better.

Hate to wake up such an old post, but I am on month three after a 17mph UPD delivered me a level 5 separation (sounds like an identical “shoulder rolled, but body didn’t” injury).

They used Cadaver ligaments to resecure my collar bone in multiple places.

What I was wondering was… hows your long-term recovery? I’ve noticed that the tip of my collarbone still separates from the shoulder slightly when I’m lifting something with that arm.

I didn’t even know that medicine did this. are you going to have to take pills for the rest of your life, or does your body think the ligaments are its own?