Nimbus Nightrider 36ers are in!!!!

hey guys! Did you see that UDC has all their 36ers in stock with the new tire and rim and T7 Handle?:smiley:

there is no T7 V2

V2 is a Coker, not a Nimbus

the V2 is for the version 2 T7

Um… maybe you guys in-the-know could post a link?

Yeah where is the T7 v2?? Also, the stealth rim looks nice with the new tyre. A lot like the old airfoil color scheme.

when will this set up be avalible in the UK>>>??? :thinking:

New T7 with rounded edges:

Wow… that’s barely changed :astonished:

I wonder if that is the ‘‘toast rack’’?

Is the the official name for it? I know we talk about the new version of the T7 but it could equally be called the T8, or the T7000.

If the front prongs are redsigned to include a built in tommy gun, and the back has a parachute, then T 007 would also suit.


edit - maybe I should have clicked the link 2 posts up before posting this. Oh well, never mind.

Can’t tell the diff Version 2 T7

I can’t see any real discernable difference from my old T7

Anyone know the weight of the new N36 pro

I didn’t see the weight of the new Nimbus Nightrider Pro 36.

I know the new cokers are 16 and 21 lbs.

Perhaps I’m missing it on the web page.

BTW> thats with the handle

do the math (my nimbus frame with T7 v1 is about 7 pounds)

This is definitely THE 36er to get if you don’t have one yet.

I think UDC forgot to provide a drop-down box for seatpost selection.

I think the seat post selection is tied in with Handle Option.
You can select:
T7 Handle with Rail-Type Seat Post
Standard Seat Post - No T7 Handle

The rail type seatpost won’t fit on the saddle without the T7 (or an adaptor)
It is not easy to fit a standard seatpost to a T7 handle.


rounded corners where the two handles meet the crossbar.

Well! A Seatpost Size drop-down box has appeared since this morning.

It doesn’t look like the plate breakage problem on the T7 has been addressed.