Nimbus 26" Muni


Looking to sell my 26" Muni. It’s set up and geared for muni riding. Big beefy tire, Dominator2 rim, and 165mm cranks for control and torque. A little natural wear and tear but is in great shape. Located in Houston TX for local pick up.
Asking for $200+shipping or trade for a 36" road

I’m interested but haven’t bought a unicycle requiring shipping before. Can you tell me how much it would be to ship to 98070?

Hi! Sure! It looks like shipping will be around $94 to get it out to you.

Thanks. I’m looking at a few and will be able to see one in person on Wednesday. I’ll reach back out after that.
Enjoy the day,

Ok sounds good! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Hey is this still up for sale ? What kind of frame is it ? What side of Houston are you located ? How tall are you ? I’m 6-2. Asking because I want to know the length of the seat post ? Has it been cut down ?



Hey! Yes, it is! Its a Numbus frame. I’m on the east end of Houston. I’m 5-5, but the seat post hasn’t been cut or anything so I’m pretty sure a 6-2 person could ride it. I’ve had taller people try it before. Here is a newer model but the dimensions should be the same: Nimbus 26" MUni Cycle with ISIS hub Red |

Thanks Steven. I checked the cost to ship and it seems that 94.00 either UPS or FEDEX. If I lived closer to Houston I wouldn’t hesitate to come get it. Do you ever go to Dallas ? ::slight_smile: How negotionable are you ? Thanks.


Hey I do have a Coker Big Wheel 36" that is in good shape too ?! :slight_smile:

PM sent. :slight_smile:

Hey Steven is this sold yet ? Again I live in Tulsa Ok and have a 36" Coker I’d be willing to swap. Its chrome, nice true wheel with new bearings and a good tire. I have 150mm cranks on it and a Nimbus saddle. We could meet in Dallas for the swap. Let me know what you think ?

Hey! Sorry, yes, it’s been sold now.