New unicycle tshirts: summer edition presents the new summer shirts: a tight fitting snazzy tshirt with a
wicked 3 color design. The ladies love it!

Sizes: S-M-L (XL or XXL only in preorder)
Color: Turquoise / aqua
Print: summer

The price of this product is still depending on the amount of people who want a
t-shirt, if people are interested please post here or send me a PM with your tshirt
size and your location so we can calculate shipping. Prices will be published as
soon as there are enough people!


I want one :smiley: They look pretty awesome (no i dont get paid from Dustin to say this :stuck_out_tongue: )

Size: L
Location: 64807 Dieburg - Germany

Those are awesome! I had to laugh out loud about the enscryption. BTW: my size is Adult L.