New! Unicycle T-Shirts - "Keepin' It Wheel"

just shove it in a priority flat rate box!!!

7 bucks nationwide…

hey, what method of screenprinting are you using, anyways?

We were discussing international rates, anywhere in the 48 states will be maybe $5.

Photo emulsion.

i like the uni on the side!
That color combo looks good though.

Book me one of those.

I want the black one pl0x, how much do they cost AUS$ and how wuch would shipping be to Aust. in AUS$? thanks bye

I want one of them
Ill PM you my details later today or tommorow


Rack me up for one as well, black t-shirt with yellow ink XX-large. PM me what i need to do.

I’m done with the first round of shirts, still trying to find a black pull-over hoody…no one sells hoodies in Oklahoma during the summer, I guess.

I would like to remind everyone else that I can do any shirt color and I have ink in red, black, and yellow. So far I have only had orders for black shirts with yellow ink. The pictures are just examples of my work, you have a lot of options. The original design is in the first post, but I can split it up like on the black shirt.

Also, I am expecting a shipment of screens in the next few days so I should have a new design or two this weekend at the latest!

Thanks for looking and let me know if you have something you’d like to see on a shirt, and maybe it could be the next design!

Just a few examples of some of my work:

I’m waiting on my next shipment of screens to get here so I can make more designs.

I have one ready to go as soon as I get the screens, so check back soon!


If you had one that said, “If unicycling were easy…” on the front and “it would be called your mother.” on the back I would consider buying it.

Yeah that would be cool.

Permission to use your idea? I’ll make 'em.

My Personal favorite quote is:

Where theres a wheel, theres a way.

Then you could add a picture of a unicycle next to a big rock or next to a mountain, or trials course. You could even put like, a unicycle, a brick wall, and then an ice cream shop on the other side. could be cool

I have my new screens so I should be able to make some new designs this week!

lazy dumb@$$
gotta use stencil if you want your screen to last.

EDIT:never mind, unless you’re about to get like 500 orders.:smiley:

an idea:

can’t stop
(picture of stick figure pedaling frantically away from evil clowns)

or you can use stevie-o’s profile picture. somthing like that.

i like the ideas of hoodies i am sure they sell them somewhere for pretty cheap although they would be more expensive then t-shirts :sunglasses: