New to the deal need sum help

ok so i used to be able to ride a lil bit so i think i will be ok at it but what is a good begginer unicycle for like street stuff?? and trials?? im also 6’8" so one that i can also ride lol!!!:smiley:

How much are you willing to spend?

ho wmuch ill spend

a couple of hundred or so!! i dont wanna put a ton into it and decide i dont like it!!

If you’re doing street and trials, then get a 20-inch, even with your height. I think almost everyone is going to recommend a Torker DX:

But I recommend this one, it will compliment your height:

Ok, I’m kidding about the second one, but still, you could get four for the price of the Torker!

Im pretty sure my friend is getting the second one. He has a profile uni but has decided its not his style and wants an upgrade.
EDIT: yeah the Dx is good and probably the strongest for its price.

i might look into long neck frames if i were you. a 400mm seat post might not be long enough for you.

you can get 700mm long steel seatposts from udc./

thx for all the help

thank you guys for all the help.

Tim, i was wondering if you wanted to get a new ride too. This one would probably fit your style: