I’ve always wanted to ride a unicycle since I was a kid, but never got around to it until recently – 9 days ago, to be exact. Found a 24-inch Sun unicycle for $50 in the classifieds, so I pulled the trigger. Been lurking here on this forum for a few days now and I thought I’d introduce myself. Also, I wanted to share this video of me at the 1-week mark.
P.S. I really am age 39. This the one and only year I can say that without lying.
Darth, after a week? Wow, that’s just awesome! I’m going on almost 2 months now, and can do a mile (with numerous falls and a few breaks :). At the rate you’re progressing, you’ll be mile-ing it in no time! Welcome to the party!!
Very impressive for one week. I wonder how many of us unicyclist there are in Utah. My family (four of us) learned last May and by the end of the summer we were riding single track. We are completely hooked. You are going to love it. Stick with it. Some days can be frustrating but you get better each week.
that is indeed impressive for 1 week. I would invest in knee pads and elbow pads. One good spill where you don’t land on your feet and it could be very painful.
It only looks impressive because I left 20 or so outtakes on the cutting room floor.
I do need to look into getting some pads. My local sporting good store doesn’t have any of those big knee-shin guards. Anyone know a good place to get them online?
Wish I was that good after a week, keep at it & welcome.
Highly recommend some protection. You’re at the learning stage where things easily go wrong and you can land painfully. I learnt the hard way not to have keys in my pocket!
Unicycle.com is worth a look for all things unicycle related. Other stores exist too
If I posted a video after my first week, people would just pity me. Poor uni57. Spastic, uncoordinated uni57.
That was AMAZING for one week of practice! I don’t care how many out-takes there were! Best wishes for continued speedy learning! And welcome to the forums. Keep the videos and the progress reports coming!
P.S. - cool name!
[edit: oh, my… please don’t overdose on the exclamation points. At least I used them one at a time.]
Nice work Darth Elevator, kewl nick as well.
Now that you can ride, I can say
“that’s one more of us, and one less of them.”
A couple of thoughts, look at the horizon, not the ground so close to the front of the uni.
This will help you sit up straighter and make it less likely that you “bend in the middle” while adjusting to stay in the balance envelope.
You need to lean SLIGHTLY further forward.
A good indication is that when your wheel turns fairly sharply from side to side as you pedal, you are sitting ‘too’ upright and need to lean forward just a little bit. Imagine a broomstick balancing on your hand and leaning it slightly forward as you walk across the room. That’s the concept you’re looking at.
Work at getting the balls of your feet on the pedals instead of pedaling with the arches.
It’ll feel funny at first but it will give you more control.
Don’t always ‘ride-to-failure’. Decide you want to ride to the end of the driveway. When you get there, stop and dismount. Learn to dismount with the uni in front of you early on, it’s safer and easier to control.
And finally, have a shedload of fun, its good to have you on the forum.
Okay, here’s a video from today. Getting the hang of free mounting, but I still can’t consistently go very far without panicking. I assume that will come in time. I tried riding on the balls of my feet but I wobbled worse, so I’ll stay on the arches for a little bit until I get better balance. I also raised the seat up about half an inch higher than I had it originally and that seemed to help. I’m trying to lean forward more, but you probably can’t see it too well in this video since it wasn’t shot from the side. Also trying to look out at the horizon but keep forgetting while on I’m concentrating on everything else. So, more practice, practice, practice…
That’s some mighty fine mounting and riding for two weeks. Especially for someone starting to learn at your advanced age. Why aren’t you flailing your arms around and wobbling all over the place? Why don’t you fall right off? What’s with all this smooth riding? Don’t you realize it’s only been two weeks?
Like with the advice I’ll give you when you ask about learning to idle, it’s normally slower than you think.
When the panic kicks in, just slow it down, find the control again and then keep riding.