New Long Jump Record

Great Gap!

That is an awesome Gap Skrobo!

From what I know you are the Gap King!


anyone can set up a gap with a curb and a pallet, and the parenthases is BS, 20cm diffferent, i don’t think so.

It is a big difference. Just give it a try and you’ll see.

this really has nothing to do with this silly argument but when i read the beat it i was listening to fall out boys cover of beat it and it just said beat it as i read the beat it from lutz. sorry that was way to long haha oh and i take no side on this discussion. noones going win either way buuuuuuuuut sick gap dude.

i have done it. it made about 1" or 2.5cm (not exact) difference.
but like I said earlier, you can call it the Biggest Gap if you’re that anal about it.

(thanks to those congratulating me)

That’s my boy right there! Breaking records like they were yesterday’s news.

I can’t help but “lol” at the people who say to use a stick. WTF?

Anyways no one has jumped a unicycle that far in the world…so that’s whats up. Come up to dallas one day and I’ll we’ll seee who’s really #1

I just dont get why he doesnt use the method where he can compare his skills directly to other riders. The stick method doesnt look good in videos but then he finaly can compare directly and show us that he realy is the best (video) long jumper in the world.

I think it’s great the way it is and still the longest gap I’ve seen! Great job!:smiley:

because i did it during a ride, i didn’t even have a tape measure, didn’t even think i was going to make the gap, maybe i’ll make an attempt at something like that later (if i start riding more), but for now, i’m happy with this.

Yeah, using sticks definitely does make about a 10-20cm difference…

not in my experience.

dude, I won long jump at naucc. you should come smash on me next year at naucc! or else, I am gonna win it again at a 2.7m or whatever…

Very nice jump man. props!

watched it again, your awesome.
SWEET!!! again, come to NAUCC!!!

its too far and too expensive. :confused:

but its worth it!

not sure I remember seeing anywhere he was claiming it was a world record… only that it was a record, not THE record just a record… just a record for him.

I prefer the gap method

Visually, the gap looks better. Having more of a drop out below would look even cooler, but I guess it would suck to crash into an edge.

I would call it a valid world record myself, until someone can post a vid of them doing a bigger gap. Really amazing.:slight_smile:

“new world record”
not just a record for me, cuz nobody’s ever shown a bigger jump than this (measured, i know of one in a video of mine that’s more than likely bigger than this)

There you go again…in too much of a hurry to pay attention to things. Watch the video again; the title segment makes the claim.

Killer jump man, whatever the skeptics say.

Oh see I was busy reading the forums and just clicked the link and watched the replay. Not in a hurry just distracted. Plus I added in that I wasn’t sure I saw it anywhere, doesn’t mean he never said it just means I don’t remember seeing it but now I have seen it so I am taking back what I said about it not saying world record anywhere.