Progession for the day was wonderful. Jerad Glatt came down on the doubleflip 6 times today on flat. Super stoked, sadly not on film yet. I came down on the hickdoubleflip as well about 5 or 6 times. Also not on film. Sorry. We’ll get our stuff together when we have a camera. Laters
I’ve never seen a fakie doubleflip, it hasn’t been done yet. Tomsey busts doublebacks yeah, they’re insane, never seen him do a doubleflip though ;). Jerad busts doubleflips on flat. I’m kinda close to a fakiedoubleflip. Laters
-Shaun Johanneson
I am retarded with double flips…I either just do a really big single flip or I flip it some where inbetween 360 and 720 then nut myself…not the most fun thing to try for me.