New Bedford Girl?

ahh… no it would be pretty much impossible to ride in heels like that… trust me ive tried riding my uni with my school heels which are thick and only liek 2.5 cm big… i spose it would be alrite… until she tried to dismount… the heels would get caught on the pedals and the pole would get wedged up her bum even further…

Perhaps she could transfer to riding SIF and then just jump off?

Do a body varial, go on, do it

Why does she have so little on when it’s clearly raining?
(she has an umberella up)
Surely a sensible raincoat would be a better option.

Maybe it’s one of those sun umbrellas.

her feet could slip off! :astonished:

Yeah that might be a painful “no-footer”…she might get scewered!:stuck_out_tongue:

litulary! :astonished:


You shouldn’t even been looking at this!

Better hope mom doesn’t catch you!

Click the link in the first post of this thread for a video of her riding (with clothes on).


What’s up Checkersaurus Rex. I’m on AIM and Yahoo as TexasWheelman now, hit me up sometime.

Then she will get sun burnt

Chexjc, yea, i saw it for a sec, and immediatly, closed the page, i dont look at that stuff.
I dont think it should be on this, just let it go, stop posting on it, im ok because it is already at the top of the thread, but everyones seen it you can like it or not, just let the thread go on plz, been on for like 2 weeks.

I think it should also be noted that it is in no way affiliated with Bedford.

waht, its not like its porn…

Fornication by unicycle?

I guess we can classify that as not being porn.

What are you on about? I’d make this a sticky if I were omnipotent!


… this thread is why I don’t post much any more