New Bedford Girl?

I’m not a female so i’m not that knowlegable but +1
I hope she ingnors all of the “put most weight on the saddle advice” lol.

It sounds like some people aren’t totally grasping what they’re looking at…

I love it. I want it on a shirt or a poster. I think Betty and this new girl should have a face-off.



If we could get permission for using this on a t-shirt, it would rule.

Cant imagine it would actually be pleasurable having a sharp, cyclindrical piece of metal up you.

how do we know it is sharp? maybe it has a rounded end like a dildo or a penis… and if it were uncomfortable why is she smiling?

i too want it on a t shirt…

she is seated on the seat post ??


Oh get off your high horse.

I think it looks cool.

Have you ever thought she might be riding sif? And maybe just the back half of the saddle is up her butt?

That what I was thinking.

this is just sounding even more unfomfterble lol. I wonder what female unicyclists would think of it?

Are you and wickedbob saying that, if that were the case, you would ride it?

:astonished: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s a cropped, vertically corrected image. :sunglasses:

:roll_eyes: me liky it


I’m impressed.

Very impressed.

Riding in high heels like that really can’t be easy!



Uh why are you talking to me look who your quoteing bud;) . My answer would half to be no fucking way…

I don’t see a chain on the unicycle…

I don’t really care about the chain…

She really shouldn’t be riding with those boots on, it could be dangerous.

the boots are hot.

maybe we should ask veronica what she thinks…

maybe she can modify her uni and useing a tripod and camera take a pic of this jaw dropping stunt being performed in real life

i would pay to see it

i am sure many others would aswell

notice it was one of the older members of the forum who flipped the image for us… not one of us younger ones