NAUCC Raffle Donations

Hi all,

I have been given the dubious honor of being the chair of the Raffle Committee for the up-coming North American Unicycle Conference and Championship (NAUCC) in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 13 - 18.

Throughout the conference we will raffle-off items that have been donated that will raise money to pay for the awards and the event itself. Further, we can use this raffle to promote the businesses, clubs and individuals that have donated items. The donated items are to be labeled with the name of the donor and placed on display – to whet the appetite of potential raffle ticket buyers and to display who has supported our unicycle gathering and unicycling in general.

So, as you already are expecting, here is the pitch: Can you help us by donating items for this part of our conference? Your support would be greatly appreciated - obviously.

This is a great way to show your support for this growing sport and this gathering of the continent’s unicyclists.

Please e-mail me (
if you, your business, your club, etc., could make a donation of product or service to be raffled.
