Ok, I know I sound absoutly obsessed with my new 5 footer, but I can’t ride it because it’s raining, so I post about it instead!!! So, what should I name it???
That’s what I named my unicycles.
MR. Tall
Thats a very sexy, yet intelligent, yet simple, yet poetic name you chosee. Very good coice!
Name it Rafi after the Jazz singer, the one that did bananaphone. That would be cool.
Currentyl My only unicycle is named Trevor… Trevor is a crazy one.
Do you mean Eunice? like (yoo-niss) or some other way like (yooneese)
Actually, I just stole it from a Monty Python skit, where John Cleese names all his animals Eric.
Clamore J. Flapdoodle
What do you mean “but I can’t ride it because it’s raining”?
Are you made of sugar?
OnT: I think it should be named Shorty
I always give a girls name to my unicycles that way i don’t sound odd when I say I’m gonna ride (insert female name).
Yeah, I bet people look at me funny when I say I’m going to ride Eric. That’s why I don’t.
My wife gets jealous when I tell her I am going to go ride Betsy…
name it your death trap on a wheel
It suits the unicycle just right
The last thing I want you to do is ride me…
oohhhhh, your name is Eric?
Well, that explains a lot.
Don’t you try to learn people’s real names, MICHAEL?
Are you going to rename your unicycle Catboy now?
That would be:
my pet fish, Eric
me pet cat Eric
Eric the fruit-bat
Eric the half a bee!
No, Eric the Half-A-Bike. It had an accident.
Take it away Eric the Orchestra Leader…
He loves him carnally…
Steve - who has watched way too much Monty Python.
Call it Otis that’s my name.
DARN it you already named it Raffi never mind.