Naming my giraffe!

Ok, I know I sound absoutly obsessed with my new 5 footer, but I can’t ride it because it’s raining, so I post about it instead!!! :roll_eyes: So, what should I name it???

That’s what I named my unicycles.

MR. Tall


Thats a very sexy, yet intelligent, yet simple, yet poetic name you chosee. Very good coice!:stuck_out_tongue:

Name it Rafi after the Jazz singer, the one that did bananaphone. That would be cool.

Currentyl My only unicycle is named Trevor… Trevor is a crazy one.


Do you mean Eunice? like (yoo-niss) or some other way like (yooneese)

Actually, I just stole it from a Monty Python skit, where John Cleese names all his animals Eric.

Clamore J. Flapdoodle

What do you mean “but I can’t ride it because it’s raining”?
Are you made of sugar?

OnT: I think it should be named Shorty :slight_smile:

I always give a girls name to my unicycles that way i don’t sound odd when I say I’m gonna ride (insert female name).

Yeah, I bet people look at me funny when I say I’m going to ride Eric. That’s why I don’t.

My wife gets jealous when I tell her I am going to go ride Betsy…

name it your death trap on a wheel

It suits the unicycle just right

The last thing I want you to do is ride me…:frowning:

oohhhhh, your name is Eric?
Well, that explains a lot.

Don’t you try to learn people’s real names, MICHAEL? :slight_smile:

Are you going to rename your unicycle Catboy now?

That would be:

my pet fish, Eric

me pet cat Eric

Eric the fruit-bat

Eric the half a bee!

No, Eric the Half-A-Bike. It had an accident.

Take it away Eric the Orchestra Leader…

He loves him carnally…

Steve - who has watched way too much Monty Python.

Call it Otis that’s my name.

DARN it you already named it Raffi never mind.