My vid

Since everyone is reposting all of their videos for the movie forum, heres mine.
I know the riding sucks and there are too many transitions, but my next one will be better.

Pretty good for a first movie. How long have you been riding?

Well, I learned to ride on a begginers uin, and I tried hopping down the steps and it broke. I hade to wait a couple of weeks until my birthday for money, and then I got the LX in June. so, I gues I hav been riding for at least 4 months. I made that video in july or agust, I am a lot better now.

Me too!

I got an old uni made by montgummery ward :thinking: with cottered cranks and i bent the crap out of them after only four months! I jumped like, 3-4 steps and its never been the same since!