I am often amused at how some-one riding past on a unicycle can cause some peds to unwittingly drop their guard and show their true colours. I guess seeing something relatively unusual allows this to slip out. Most people who spot me and have not seen a unicycle lately/ever/a-uniwhat? fall roughly into 3 reaction categories:
1. Mild curiosity / vague indifference / totally neutral.
2. Sincere smile, laugh, positive comment, etc.
3. Genuine disdain (!) - most often indicated by a deliberate glare and frown and often by deliberately screwing up their face in a grimace (I had 3 of these this morning on my commute. Unusually high number). This one always makes me feel a bit sad. That some-one can be soooo upset by another human being having fun, when it does not hurt them in any way. I am often tempted to comment as I pass: “feeling worthless? - buy a unicycle!”, but I never do.
I just smile.