Muni Run Through Session

Riding as much as I can and having sore-butt load of fun… This is two different days of muni … one local Roseville and one at the Lebanon Hills XX MTB track. I aim to get better at that trail and persevere over all those obstacles. What a workout.
Thanks for all the inspiration to everyone who posts vids on this site. All fun to watch…

You’re getting better so keep it up, and it looks like a fun trail and shady too! Thanks for sharing! :smiley:

‘preciate it Terry. I can see why you love it so much, fun and a lung-bustin’ workout. Keeps a fellers spirit young and shiny! Yeah, lotsa shade here and man I am not a fan of the sun. Red Heads like gloom!
Last night I rode with a father and son and we went hard. Did not stop to film … just a lot of riding uphill, tech and down. Whew, I was tore up after … in a good way.
Here is map of the ride. We did the blue and into the red part and out…

Cool! were the two other guys on MUnis too, or bikes? How many miles long is it?

Yeah Man … the father was on a 26" and the teen son was on a KH 24" that the Dad had won at unicon.
We did about 6 or 7 miles I reckon.
Here is info on the trail: Lebanon Hills MUni Paridise

What did he win, and how old is he? Was he competing in his age group, or with the youngins?

It was a raffle by Bedford. He is 50!! Rides mainly 36"Coker long distance. Competes (I think :thinking: ) and does some of those over-seas cross county rides. He rides about 10 miles everynight after work. Says 10 takes about an hour.
Do not know about the age group … I will delve into that.

I always look forward to your movies. You are a legend on this site:D

Your skills are improving:)

The quality in a lot of the shots isn’t too good. (that may be just on this page, it won’t play on youtube’s ATM - repair work)

Yeah, I have been downloading as an MP4 but I have not been happy with quality. I use my dig camera vid on some shots and had the white balance set wrong. My HDV loads in at 1/4 speed on iMovie so I have been using DV. Maybe not as good but loads in real time.
Hope to improve on all of that. Thats the quest…

Thanks about the skills. Ride and it shall come … I reckon.

I’m loving your videos, they’re fun to watch and just a plain good time, eh?

Hey, thankee so much. I appreciate the feedback. If I gotta work that hard I want company!
I have been to Victoria, BC and wow, what a charming place you live in…

Cool vid ;), nice riding and editing ^^! But the quality of the vid on youtube is quite bad :P.

I am going to delete it and try loading it another way…

OK I hope this is better quality…

OK here it is again … hope this works.

yea. puts two thumbs up and spreads a pleasent and satisfied smile over his face

keep it up.
muni’s marvelous. good for you.

Thannkee Goat,
I like your stuff especially when you hopped off of that trailer roof!! Gaaah.
Your high hops up to all them pallets is impressive. How do you do that???