Movie: A bloody seat wrap

Really nice! Laughed alot :wink:

I really hate when this happends, had the problem first time when i had my old trainer, with non-round nuts, just hte ordinary ones, so the bolt sticks upā€¦ i had nasty scratches many of my fingertipsā€¦ BOTH HANDS! THis was from catching the uni when i upd. I thought the problem was gone wen i got saddles woth round nutsā€¦
But what happends? You over tighten your nuts, they dig into the platic, the top of the hat pops off, and not you have some real sharp edges!

iā€™ve found that duct-tape is the ultimate sollution though!

i thought you quit unicycling and you were only gonna do BCā€¦

Meh, i do uni on occasion, i really like muni, its the uni i do most, i just ordered a bunch of crap for my muniā€¦

blame spencer for my mass amout of blood loss, he told me to go try this trick.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Alcoholics Anonymous

i guess iā€™m insane then. :smiley:

That was funny. I always bleed like that, but never from my seatā€¦

Ah, youā€™ll have a muni for Moab then after all? ha.


You made YourTubes!

That kind of reminded me of Bryanā€™s ā€œDouble Cranckflip and a bloody lipā€ video, except you cut
yourself twice.

thats pretty coool. i wonder how he found it?

I think heā€™ll be using his supped up disk break mountain BC if it works as planned

He is trying to show how ā€œtouphā€ he is? How ā€œhard coreā€ he is riding?

All i know is that was a waste of time watching that.

Maybe one day he will land a seat wrap.

That trick isnā€™t a seat wrap is it? According to the street uni wiki (and also from Defect) a seat wrap has the uni go all the way around your body (seat switches hands). Iā€™m not sure what that trick is ā€˜officallyā€™ called but I call it a leg around.